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Lust for Frankenstein

Lust for Frankenstein (1998)

January. 01,1998
| Horror

Moira Frankenstein, the grand-daughter of noted mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein, has become obsessed with the work of her ancestor and she decides to pick up the family business where he left off.


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Lust for Frankenstein (1998) * (out of 4) Softcore take on the famous story has Moira Frankenstein (Lina Romay) seeing a vision of her dead father and bringing back his creature (Michelle Bauer). Franco had previously made two other Frankenstein films, both in the 70s and while neither of them are classics they certainly are miles better than this thing, which is just downright trash. The film pretty much brought a new style in Franco's career, which has become known as the One Shot years. I'm not a fan of this period and for countless reasons that could be seen here. For starters, the film looks incredibly cheap even by Franco standards with its digital video. The movie features all sorts of strange visual effects, which don't add anything. The worst thing is that the film is pretty much disgusting as it features the elderly Romay in all sorts of sexual situations. She's certainly seen better days and I'm not meaning to insult the elderly folks out there but when you make an erotic movie it's probably better that you show two young people making out the entire time. I think it's a sad state for Romay who really comes off bad in this film but it would get worse with future One Shot films. If someone can find an actual story in this movie then they'll win a dollar from me because I couldn't spot one.


Franco's done some really, really bad stuff in the past, but there was a time where it seemed he at least tried to make a FILM, rather than a cheap camcorder shot, and this may be the worst of all - it doesn't even qualify as a movie - more like a high-schooler running around with his dad's camcorder hoping to make something "cool" - yes, it's that bad. Even if you got this movie for free you'd get about 10 minutes into it and throw it away.Go back and check out his earlier EROTIC RITES OF FRANKENSTEIN or SADOMANIA or WOMEN IN CELL BLOCK 9 and you'll see at least some talent and bizarre creativity.


This erotic-horror movie is an extremely annoying one. There is absolutely no story and the movie is impossible to follow, also due to the horrible accents of the main characters.Why on Earth did they ever casted two over 40 year old to play the main characters? They also managed to cast about the two least attractive 40 year old which makes this movie also a disgusting one. Yesterday I posted a comment for "Dracula Vs. Frankenstein" saying that the Frankenstein creature never looked worse, well I was wrong, this Frankenstein monster is even uglier and she doesn't need no make-up effects for that!And what is up with the endings of Jesus Franco's movies? He always seems to put in a surprise ending in his movies but problem is that the endings never make any sense and are extremely confusing for all the wrong reasons.Every time when you think you have figured the story out, it turns out to be totally different. Nothing about the story makes any sense and the movie therefor is almost completely unwatchable.And what was with those high peeping sound during the 'resurection' scene's? I thought my head was going to explode and I seriously had to turn the sound off to not go completely mad.Horrible, disgusting movie!2/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/


This movie is absolutely, without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It shouldn't even be called a B movie because it isn't good enough to be a B movie. If there were a Z movie rank, it wouldn't even qualify for that. Watching this movie would be the biggest waste of 90 minutes of your life that you could ever conceive.
