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Spooky House

Spooky House (2002)

April. 19,2002
| Adventure Horror Mystery Family

A magician with a mysterious secret lives alone with his jaguar, Shadow, in the Spooky House, an old mansion rigged with magic tricks and hidden chambers.


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k m

This is the worst movie that I have ever seen. The only reason I give it a 2 rather than a 1 is that my nephew thought parts of it were funny. Afterwards he gave the movie an 8, but on further questioning, movies that he liked got a 10 and movies that he didn't like got an 8. I watched this movie with my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and Mom. None of us, other than my nephew, could believe how stupid it was. Parts of it did not make any sense. The plot was predictable. The acting was less than stellar. I can't imagine why Ben Kingsley made this movie. He must have needed some extra cash. Kids movies are often unrealistic, and one just enjoys them for the fun of it, but the only fun we got out of this was laughing in disbelief at how bad this movie was. There were several "pee" jokes, and we had to spend the next few days listening to my nephew scream "I gotta pee!" over and over again. This movie might be okay for young kids, but will NOT be fun for the whole family.

Steve Shubert

OK, my wife rented this off-the-shelf, thinking it would be a cute "family" movie, so we were forced to buy pizza and sit through it with our kids (9 & 5). In a nutshell, the kids loved it, although my 5 year old thought parts of it were a bit "scary", and didn't want to sit through it. For my wife and I, however, it was definitely a tremendous groaner...The biggest plus was the fact that it was SOOOO bad that we actually laughed at how bad it was! This was one of those "I'm too drunk to go to sleep...what's on TV?" B-movies from the old USA Network "Up All Night" series (if you remember those).There were parts of it that actually reminded us of the old "Little Rascals" shows, where the kids---and their so-obviously-memorized scripts---were almost like puppets. The super-fast-motion scenes to speed things up were good for a chuckle.Rent this for your kids to enjoy, but don't dare watch it yourself unless you want to bang your head afterwards for wasting this much time.


This movie will warm your heart and tickle your funny bone all at the same time! Ben Kingsley is superb in his character as the Great Zamboni. Younger children and preteen will have the most fun with this and they will be heading to the music store to buy the soundtrack also! The special effects will set you back 2 feet! Kudos to Bill Sachs to a job WELL DONE! Can't wait till it hits the BIG screen so we can see it again and again!


A cracking film for all ages, but in particular for the youngsters, I think they'll love it. Lots of terrific magic tricks, a little bit of (mild) horror and a great Spooky House setting too. Ben Kingsley is excellent playing the part of the Great Zamboni, as is little Matt Weinberg as orphan Max. It's not just illusions and hocus pocus horror though, there's a nice heart warming story along with it. Definitely worth a look.
