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Kill Switch

Kill Switch (2017)

June. 16,2017
| Action Thriller Science Fiction

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.


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I know that IMDB ratings (or any other collective ratings) don't always correspond with how I liked the title. There are titles rated 6/10 that I personally rated 8, and there are titles rated 8-9 that I rate as 5-6/10. But generally, I've learned that rating below 6.0-6.5 means there's something wrong with the title and I probably won't like it.After seeing this brilliant movie rated 4.9 I will no longer pay any attention to ratings. My faith in hamsters and their ability for critical thinking is completely and utterly lost. I haven't watched all the movies from 2017, obviously, but I have watched A LOT of movies in 2017, new ones as well as many truly good movies from earlier years. Kill Switch is by far the most clever, engaging and standing out. Its rating of 4.9 is mind-boggling. I understand not everyone might love the first-person perspective as much as I did, but there's nothing *wrong* with the movie. It's well-made, the acting is good, it's not at all low-budget.Also, it has a strong Half Life 2 vibe. If you like that game's aesthetics, check out Kill Switch.

The Couchpotatoes

I think the only people that can like this movie are full-time gamers. Fans of the First Person Shooter games. Because Kill Switch is just like watching a person playing that game. I do like playing a game every now and then but I don't like watching somebody play because there is no thrill in that. Neither did I like this movie. It's taking boring to another level. I had to fight several times to not fall asleep. The story is not the worst, it's the execution that is really bad. The CGI's are also poorly done. A game looks actually better than this. About the acting is not much to say. The so-called star of the movie just appears in the beginning, for the rest it's just what he sees that you will see. Why they still shoot movies like that is a mystery to me. It never worked and it will never work. Name one movie that has been shot like that that has success. There are just none.


This seemed like a crappy home-made movie of the Imitation Half-life 3 preview kind. The Portal into the sky and the fps view from the protagonist a la Gordon Freeman. The only thing missing was a Strider or two and of course the G-man. If the writer wasn't a huge Marc Laidlaw fan I would be seriously surprised and I would expect that Gabe (heart attack imminent) Newell has watched this and slammed the remote control down in disgust that this travesty bother to take just about every aspect of his Half-life 2 Universe. If I wanted this sort of action I would have just powered up my PC and loaded STEAM. Valve must know of this movie or maybe they are in Cahoots! Blehh!

Brian Maneke

While the science by its self is reasonably sound, at the same time; I believe that String theory is a subset of M-Theory while I am not completely up-to-date on the in's and out's I fairly certain these two are not reconcilable together as they are both Opposing Theory's!Further more this movie lost me the moment I was supposed to believe that He has to travel 8+ Km while walking right past a Boat and then a Bike! I mean common who's not going to take a boat to the island in the middle of the giant lake! We're supposed to believe the main actor is standing on a bridge over looking water with boats parked in dock and in the distance is the tower, if they wanted to do the FPS sequence thing they should have watched Doom at-least that was done right ... The movie just gets more cliché from that point forward. I was really hoping that this was going to be a hidden gem something that slipped under the radar ending up on some under-rated list, but I don't see that happening. Save your self the time and just go watch cat videos on or something.
