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Post Impact

Post Impact (2004)

June. 12,2004
| Adventure Science Fiction

Meteor Bay-Leder 7 struck earth on October 18th, 2012. Causing earthquakes, tidal waves, and a dust cloud that soon covered most of the Northern hemisphere, it changed the face of our planet forever.


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Only two small things stop Post Impact from scoring any lower, and those are Dean Cain, who tries his best though he has been much better, and the dog, who is adorable, very well-trained and certainly the best actor in Post Impact. Which is not entirely complimentary seeing as the rest of the acting is so stiff that wooden planks are more animated in comparison. The worst was Joanna Taylor, a total blank and there is nothing appealing about her. They are saddled by the shallow ciphers that the movie passes for characters and some of the most stilted dialogue, that is far too heavy on the small-talk, of any movie seen recently. Post Impact is also edited in a frenzied and unfinished manner and the special effects are on par with some of the worst effects from the 70s-80s. In short, very cheap and out of date. The music is generic and repetitive and the sound and sound effects are very muddied, the gun shots lack authenticity and any crucial dialogue is made difficult to hear or properly understand. Even worse is the story, plodding and ridiculous, with an out-of-place sex scene, one of the stupidest endings of any movie from the past ten years or so and countless mistakes and goofs that take away from everything. It was also not easy to tell what the basic story was, and the movie itself probably didn't either, seeing how much it jumped around to the point of near-incoherence. On the whole, with the exceptions of Cain and the dog a waste of time, though personally there are worse movies out there. 2/10 Bethany Cox


When I saw the title, I thought "oh cool, a movie about attempting to survive the end of the world." I tried to ignore the poor reviews. I tried to ignore the fact that the impact occurred within the first 10 minutes, with no character or plot development. But it's only 20 minutes in and I want to gouge my eyes and ears out. I'm sure it's not the fault of the actors and actresses in the movie. This script is just horrible. Where is the character background? Where is the the setting? Where is the plot? Why do the overly emo former army captain and the overly aggressive army colonel hate each other? I take back what I said before about the actors and actresses as well. SOME of them are okay. The rest just plain suck. I wasted 20 minutes on this movie. I'm not wasting another hour and forty minutes.


It was great to see Dean doing some more work making movies which he would do much more. For a low budget Movie,this movie was not as bad as the critics here has said. I and my family totally enjoyed it..it even opened up some ideas about what really could happen if this situation ever occurs. Yes it has humor and the acting did not suck as bad as they said..it could've been better..I admit this as there was a lot more room left to do much more for improvement, with such a good plot/idea which they had. We all in the end agreed that this would make a great Video Game...not sure if it is already one..but I has great qualities and computerized video aspects within it to make it such. I would enjoy playing a game of it is is somewhere out there.It was funny to read some of the critics especially one which someone made after they said that they turned off the TV and did not really even watch it at all..but still in the end to come give the world a big summary of it.


I could probably make a career out of writing reviews about rubbish SciFi Channel movies. They just continue to churn them out, again and again, all equally dire and missing that elusive (well to the SciFi Channel boys, anyway) quality that makes them decent movies. Instead they incorporate ridiculous notions, scenes and dialogue, mix in terrible effects and actors made out of chipboard and then wonder why their efforts don't work.PI is another example of this. The movie doesn't suck terribly but, with just a little attention to detail they could have made it so much better.For starters, Dean Cain plays a man who is so dim that he gets on a plane about to take off whilst leaving his wife and daughter on the tarmac. You didn't need much brains to see what was going to happen, but good ole Dean seemed to lack them. After this he becomes so driven to return and find his wife and daughter that he willingly shags any woman who bats an eyelid at him. Then, in the absolutely most two-faced irony that I've ever seen, he straight away thereafter pulls out a photo of his missus and kid and looks mournfully at it! Gimme a frickin' break! Did no one do a test screening of this before it went out? And what was with the "I tried to reach my wife eight times" bit? We're talking about maybe a 800 mile trip, in Arctic conditions, on foot. Very hard, yes...Impossible to achieve after eight attempts? I don't think so. Didn't he learn anything from the previous trips? Like take more food, maybe, or an extra sweater! Jeepers! Actually, I'm being unfair here. The conditions are not merely Arctic-like. They are some SciFi Channel bozo's vision of Arctic-like conditions. Perhaps on those prior attempts, good old Dean was turned back by the randomly upthrusting spires of ice that will appear after a meteor strike induces an ice age. We all know that will happen, right? Or more likely the fact that, three years after such an event, the weather is still uniformly a white-out blizzard may have been partly responsible for his failures. And don't get me started on the fact that the clouds obscuring the sun seem to be centred (again, after three years) only over Europe, the impact site.Then we have Nigel Bennet's character. A man who can't decide if he likes Dean Cain's guy, or hates him. One time his switch seemed so bizarre it was as if he had a split-personality or something.And then there is the rocket-sled, who's purpose (other than to provide a stupid effect) is a total mystery. It zips about briefly in a barely-controlled manner and has no real function, other than to well.....nothing really.And the strange lack of frost breath in -50 Celsius temperatures. Or the fact that (in the aforementioned blizzard conditions) no one wears goggles or has even the faintest trace of frost about their faces, despite not being correctly protected.The final insult to the intelligence that this film delivers is his whole premise - that only one place on the entire earth has the technology and clever enough people to stop the deadly (tm) microwave satellite from firing. Christ! No one else anywhere in the whole world has a satellite dish and a computer capable of cracking the control codes for it? We're all doomed! Couldn't they just have sent a nuke up there to fry it? Stupid writing, by stupid people, for stupid people.It's all rather lame really. Another SciFi craptacular. These style of films are relics of the past glory years of video, when anything seemed good for no other reason than because "you could watch it on tape". Gasp! Nowadays they look just like what they really are. Cheaply produced, poorly acted, poorly directed and poorly written.Oh joy! Bring on the next SciFi hack job. I can hardly wait.
