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Le Deuxième Souffle

Le Deuxième Souffle (1966)

November. 01,1966
| Drama Action Crime

A gangster escapes jail and quickly makes plans to continue his criminal ways elsewhere, but a determined inspector is closing in.


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Myriam Nys

A middle-aged gangster with the deceptively nice and normal name of Gustave (or "Gu") escapes from prison and returns to his habitual environment, to wit the environment of heavy-duty professional crime. He arrives bang in the middle of a gang war involving a number of old friends, enemies and frenemies. Gu is about to become both actor and pawn in a series of elaborate cat-and-mouse games pitting gangsters against police and gangsters against gangsters.An excellent movie, both elegant and incisive, with a prize cast and prize performances. I don't know if it's realistic - kind Fate has kept me far, far from the world of French gangsterdom - but it certainly feels and sounds realistic : one gets a genuine sense of watching people for whom serious violence is not only a career, an heritage and a belief system, but also an automatic mindset. The atmosphere hangs as heavy as cigarette smoke and the dialogues are so sharp that you could use them to cut your hair. The sets and locations have been chosen with enormous care, conjuring up visions of prosperous yet tacky nightclubs, near-convincing imitations of "bourgeois" respectability or once happy family homes turned into hiding places for criminals on the run, like women of a good background fallen upon hard times and forced into street-walking.Riveting, addictive viewing.


What I find is that a great film of great length, whether slow paced or not, is life a sheep in wolf's clothing. However intimidating a run time may look, the greats go by quicker than many 90 minute efforts. Whether it's Solaris(1972) and Andrei Rubev(1966) in just short o9f 3 hours, or Seven Samurai(1954) and Godfather II(1974) in excess of 200 minutes, there films to me never feel their length and always justify it. While many have commented on "Second Wind" (using the English title for simplicity's sake) running time, rest assured, it too is deceptive.The film opens abruptly into the finale of an escape sequence from prison, giving no breathing room as you are thrown into the action. One man dies but the other two make it out, as we go to an atmospheric opening credits sequence of the two running through the forest, with little to no music. Only one of the escapees is of concern to us, Gustave Minda (regularly called Gu), put behind bars for a train robbery gone wrong. He comes back to his old stomping grounds, rescuing his sister and loyal friend from a pair of thugs. Their murder further brings heat down on him in a case led by Blot, a wise cracking but crafty inspector. Many plot points are running intersect, including a battle over the cigarette business and the forming of a heist, the latter of which Gu is drawn into in order to have some money when he leaves the country. While there are a lot of characters and going ons to keep track of, as long as one is paying attention, following along is simple, as Melville masterfully brings these plot points together.This is a dialogue and character heavy movie, making it more similar to "Bob the Gambler" (1955) than "Le Samurai(1967). While maybe not as snappy as Godard, or Tarantino for a more modern example, Melville's films were always strong in dialogue, and this is no exception. This movie is composed of a string of home running scenes. Whether it's humorous, like inspector Blot's sarcastic rant on the unwillingness of a restaurant's employees and customers to comment on the shooting that had occurred, or serious, such as a trio of gangsters confronting a man they believe set them up, there are no wasted scenes or dull moments, whether five minutes or twenty. There's nothing here story wise that is of particularly new ground: a noir style fatalism, a police force as corrupt as the criminals they pursue, political intrigue and betrayals, however it doesn't matter. Originality is welcome but not necessary in anything, and here we see these familiar threads executed with such enthusiasm, backed by strong performances all around, that it hardly matters whether one has seen these things before. If there is one possibly original aspect, it is in it's ending which I won't spoil here. It's a small, but important moment, and much like his follow up "Le Samurai"(1967), widely open to interpretation.Melville is known for his awesome visuals and mood, and this is no exception. His love of noir is apparent in the perfectly dark lighting, combined with an often minimal soundtrack that aids in creating a mood of dread in many scenes. This is actually a much more subdued effort for Melville in that regard, but it works here as the focus is much more on story and characters.Not to be missed for fans of crime films.


Jean-Pierre Melville and his long standing infatuation with Hollywood "Film Noir",which he was the most devoted follower of, in entire history of French cinema, produced the whole line of best French crime pictures ever. In this one, he's in absolute top form on this neatly constructed, no nonsense caper film. Building a story of old school criminals with sense of criminal honesty and honor, around 800 million heist, Melville, tells many stories, from human relations, betrayals and greed, to love and friendship that will go all the way.The dialogs are great. Witty police inspector Comissaire Blot, beautifully portrayed by Paul Meurisse and Lino Ventura's Gustave "Gu" Minda,play the game of cat and mouse with no unnecessary talk, and no unnecessary action. Melville devoted a lot of attention to detail, and this film deservedly looks like a crime-action documentary, with no plot holes or "how the hell this or that could have happened" types of questions for the viewer, which is very important for mature audiences that appreciate classic films. I think that this may be the best film Melville made in the 60's, even better than "Army of Shadows" or the "Samourai",and was the last he made in his own studio that burned up during the production of "Samourai" in 1967, which may explain the possibilities he had, to devote time and attention to details. If you appreciate a good crime picture, be sure not to miss it.


Painstaking detail and near-real-time narrative pace characterize THE SECOND BREATH (WIND). This is another in Melville's series of caper films in which the viewer is shown the entire process of planning and executing the crime. But, like the director's other fine films, this one is also about the characters. Most of the detail is used to bring insight into these desperate men, especially the main protagonist. On several occasions, Melville has given us a nearly washed-up criminal as a main character and here we are given one of the hardest-boiled examples: Gustave "Gu" Minda (Lino Ventura). At the film's outset, Gu escapes from prison and turns violently on one of his fellow escapees. This sets the tone for the entire narrative of distrust and double-crossing. Gu is interesting to us, but not truly sympathetic. Desperate for his 'second wind', Gu plans to accumulate enough money to leave France, preferably with his mistress, and avoid re-capture. When a fellow crime-boss offers him a part in his latest robbery caper, Gu takes him up. The film alternates between Gu and Commissaire Blot (Paul Meurisse) the police chief who is as committed to capturing Gu as Gu is to escaping. We need not be too concerned with the final outcome: it's pretty clear what it will be. Gu is ultimately a pathetic man, a sort of 'tragic criminal' whose fall from power leaves him disillusioned and worthless. This is one of Melville's more violent tales. To achieve his ends, Gu does not shy away from cold-blooded murder in more than one scene. A latter-day Film Noir in which fate plays a major role, it's not Melville's best film, but it deserves to be seen by anyone interested in this director.
