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Another Man, Another Chance

Another Man, Another Chance (1977)

November. 23,1977
| Drama Western Romance

Young Jeanne falls in love with photographer Francis, who soon takes her with him when he emigrates to America. In a small town in the still wild west, they build up a small photo shop. Meanwhile, animal doctor David lives on his lonesome farm together with his unlucky wife. It takes years and two tragic accidents until Jeanne and David meet. She has already decided to return to France as soon as possible, but love, and fate, have other plans.


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Peter Anton

This was not a stellar film, but life and films aren't always galactic experiences. If you want to go back and spend some light time in the 19th century American West and France this is a nice bit of time travel. I'm confused by the opening scene because it stands all alone and is never resolved. I would have expected a flash of light and a trip though a worm hole and an eventual return to modern times. But that would have been a different story, I suppose. Once back in time the story, ambiance, characters and storytelling style kept my attention nicely. Of course, I'm a fan of James Caan, and the chemistry between him and Geneviève Bujold was very touching and not overdone. In fact, nothing was overdone. It's just a good, understated love story.


Became aware of this film a week ago, in a karaoke bar in - of all places - Tombstone, AZ. The movie was up on the widescreen TV, but the sound was turned off. Even so, the visuals had me focusing on the movie more than listening to the live music! First I'm seeing a war in Europe, then I'm seeing the American land races, back and forth, and well-known faces of James Caan, Genevieve Bujold, and dear old Richard Farnsworth. Even without sound, the tenderness of some scenes came through! Had to find out more about this film! So I jotted a few notes and looked it up by actors/together, and now that I have read more good reviews than bad, I will be putting it at the top of our rental list!


I am studying sound design and this movie blew me away. Watched it late night only because of the excellent James C. The most striking thing is when ever there is a violent scene, the director choose to fade out and loose all natural sound and simply play a simple but striking piece of piano. It distances you from the horror of the violence, it seemed to me to be as if I was being sheltered from the full effect. Powerful and poetic this was a revisionist western way ahead of its peers and only to be matched by Clint Eastwood's High plains drifter and Beguiled.

Catherine Todd

"Un autre homme, une autre chance (1977)""Another Man, Another Chance"This is one of the best films I have seen in years; hard to believe that it was written and directed almost 27 years ago. A lyrical, beautiful and moving film with a storyline so believable, it is as if I were with them, on the dusty roads and the rolling hills and plains, seeing the Great Southwest unfolding before my eyes.This film is even better if you know some French, but not necessary... The "true to life" historical film has so much meaning on a personal level; it is as if I were "let in" to read someone's private diary, with nothing held back. Such thoughts I wish I had...Thank you so much, to the director and writer, Claude LeLouch; and to the actors James Caan and Geneviéve Bujold. They are all excellent in every way. I wish I could have "been there" myself at this point in time, and after seeing this film I was able to "live in their painting" for just a little while. I actually watched it two times in a row, it was so beautiful in all ways.No "blockbuster" needed here; just the storyline of these people's lives. I can't wait to see what other films this fine French director has brought to the screen, as I had never heard of him before. Caan and Bujold are at their finest, as always. Thanks to both of them, as well.I think I read that this was a true story of the author's grandparents, or greatgrandparents, his grandmother who was French and this was their life. Most interesting of all. We are all immigrants seeking the Promised Land.With my sincerest and most heartfelt thanks, Catherine Todd
