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Keep Your Distance

Keep Your Distance (2005)

September. 02,2005
| Drama Mystery Romance

In the perfectly normal town of Louisville, KY, there is a perfectly normal man living the perfect life. David Dailey is a man who has it all: A great career, a community that adores him, and an enduring marriage. But beneath the surface, David's idyllic world is crumbling. He's haunted by a series of mysterious notes that warn of an imminent fall from grace...


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At first I wasn't going to bother reviewing this flick because I thought this was the director's first film and he may improve or something, but then I read here that he also directed "Nice Guys Sleep Alone", which I haven't seen, so I may as well say something.If you can't write- don't make a film!This guy can't write (stupid plot, bad dialogue), so he should havegotten a screenplay- there are people who would do anything to get their scripts made into films.Thank God, I took this DVD out from the library so I didn't lose any money on it, and I practiced technique exercises on the guitar for 90 minutes while watching it, so my time wasn't completely wasted.We thought at least this guy must have a religious affiliation (like the classic "Exorcism", or one of the producers of "Plan Nine From Outer Space")that he was trying to brainwash people with, which would at least account for some reason why this film was made, but nothing was revealed on the special features of the DVD, so I guess the guy is just dumb. I don't have the stamina to watch it again with the director's commentary, but I'm sure that there must be a few agoraphobics, shut-ins, or people under house arrest here who would gladly give up 90 more minutes of their lives to tell us which cult the director belongs to and why he made this film.

Heather M. Kendrick

I have a strong suspicion that many of the glowing reviews for this film come from shills. If not, then I'm baffled. As my friend said, "There went ninety minutes that I'll never get back."The best part of the film is the title sequence, which was very slick and set the right suspenseful mood. After that, things went quickly downhill. The acting is workmanlike, the script is full of clumsy dialogue, and the direction is riddled with embarrassing clichés. (For instance, during the final showdown, which of course takes place in a dark house during a thunderstorm, we are treated to a flash of lightning suddenly revealing the silhouette of someone on the doorstep -- twice!) "Keep Your Distance" tries to be a character-driven suspense film, but the problem is that the characters are insubstantial and unlikable and there is no suspense. I knew who the culprit was from the beginning, simply due to Ebert's "law of economy of characters," but I didn't know why. At the end of the film, I still didn't know why. The clues that we are given, when they are finally deciphered by the characters, turn out to be mostly irrelevant.


Well, there are a lot of bad movies around these days I know but this one somehow really gets under my skin. It is made worse by the fact that I came here first to read the opinions and reviews on it and, in doing so was convinced it could be something a little special by a director I don't know of and with a story that sounded intriguing. Boy oh boy was I in for a surprise. The kind of surprise you get when you are about to go on holiday and when you grab the tickets as you are locking the door you realise that you somehow booked the flights a week early. That isn't a surprise really, more of a grim realisation; a nightmare...a shock. This movie is a shocker. It doesn't shock you. In no way does it shock you. What it does do is amble along miserably in the style of an early 90's TV Movie, about as slow-paced as can be without coming to a complete standstill, the characters are introduced and, well, we are feeling that now that we know everyone, the plot will start soon. Hmmmm another 20minutes goes by.............zzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz "maybe the story is going to be a big build up and totally throw us back in our seats" I said to the few that were still trying to watch it, not having made an excuse to leave! Nope. Nothing. A big fat nothing. The whole movie was like an episode of some nondescript daytime US series that never quite got to the end. When this movie did finally get to the end, that was another surprise. I don't mean it was a great twist or a brilliant piece of writing that made you realise why the rest of the film had been the way it had.... Oh no, it was a surprise because it confirmed to you what you hoped it wouldn't: That there wasn't a redeeming factor or space of even ten minutes in this film that could be described as interesting or -god forbid- entertaining. Only watch this if you feel sleepy but can't fall asleep... I guarantee you will be nodding off within the hour.Why do people make films like this??


I loved this movie! I thought the plot was suspenseful and exciting. I would recommend this film if you are in the mood for a suspense flick. I especially liked how Pollard developed the characters. From the beginning you are taken through a story about trust. You watch as David Daley, the main character figures out who he can and can't trust. As his life begins to unravel Daley must make choices that will change his life. The film also develops other relationships what build on trust...or the lack of it. I believe anyone, regardless of age or gender, will enjoy this movie. I felt honored to attend the showing at Georgetown University.
