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Chappaquiddick (2018)

April. 06,2018
| Drama History Thriller

Ted Kennedy's life and political career become derailed in the aftermath of a fatal car accident in 1969 that claims the life of a young campaign strategist, Mary Jo Kopechne.


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This movie should have been done when he was alive , to maybe reopen the investigation. The Kennedys where all crooked beginning with the his bootlegger father just goes to show money gets you out of jail, no matter how you look at it he killed that girl of course the booze hound was drunk but he knew enough to save himself and let that girl die a slow death sleep off the booze then report it. Can't believe he was acquitted


Finally, 50 years after the death of Mary Jo and 8 years after Ted Kennedy died the truth comes out. Now we wait for 50 more years before we get to see a movie about all of the people that the Clintons had killed from Arkansas to Africa.


Although the movie moves rather slow, they did tell the complete story that not many people knew of in its entirety. They did a very good job of trying to tell the story in its entirety without bias which is often hard on contriversial subjects.


First, there are facts, and there is reality. The facts give a broad bound on what occurred in a given situation, but anyone who has ever watched a trial knows that the facts can be spun in very different ways to further someone's intent.You can tell by briefly scanning through the reviews here that there are many reviews by the same person, saying the same things, often in the same words, the exact copy ... and all of those kind of reviews I found we all 9 or 10 out of 10 reviews. That says, those reviews are fake, but it also says that IMDB has a terrible problem with trolls and sock puppets here to promote their political purposes. Whether these people are Alt-Right America haters, or Russian American haters, the one thing they certainly are is fairness and justice and truth haters.The intent here is to smear and character assassinate a man who is dead and gone and cannot defend himself ... and should not have to. In a way this reminds me of the Woody Allen scandal where if someone were to make a movie of it, they would make it to appeal to one side or the other of the controversy, and then cherry pick the facts used to spin it to their purpose, and leave out of distort other facts.No one knows for sure what happened, but a lot of people view this in light of the world today ... that is, where Emergency Services are dependable and just a cell phone dial away. Maybe you have to be old enough to remember walking a mile in an emergency to get to a pay phone. Another thing is the ubiquity of highway lighting we have today in almost all but the most remote areas, or the standardization of reflective warning signage. Driving out over black water in the middle of the night was a different experience in the 60's.And accident in a car was also different. Most cars had just gotten seat belts and there were no seat belt laws and most people did not bother to use their seat-belts. Safety class was also not so technologically developed. Imagine being in an accident and how having all your wits about your either because you were tired or tipsy or both, had hard it would be to save yourself, let along look back in the dark and the water and try to see without a face mask and try to save someone in a heightened state of fear and exhaustian. Add to that the thought that your whole life might be ruined, and trying to guess what is the right to thing to do.In the Blink, Malcolm Gladwell talks about how when your adrenalin is pumping you go mind blind, he called it, and you cannot think straight.What Kennedy was guilty of is bad judgement of driving while drinking, and that was completely a different world back in those days. I don't even think it was illegal in my state of Texas, or it had just recently been outlawed that is what a different world 1969 was. The rest of what happenedThere were 55,000 traffic deaths in 1969, in 2007 there were 41,000. It was a different world, and whatever world this movie was in it was politically biased and ugly one where the right-wing is so rich they can make hack movies like this one and attack a man's whole life because of one mistake, distorted by lies and judged by a situation that people born today cannot really put in valid perspective when faced with the immediacy of a movie.Don't watch this movie, don't contribute money to the cause that made this movie, and do not watch movies that the actors who participated in this movie star in in the future. Stand against this kind of disgusting political manipulation, and fake news.
