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Phantom Thread

Phantom Thread (2017)

December. 25,2017
| Drama Romance

In 1950s London, renowned British dressmaker Reynolds Woodcock comes across Alma, a young, strong-willed woman, who soon becomes ever present in his life as his muse and lover.


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PHANTOM THREAD just annihilated me. It's completely worthy of all the immense hype (such as, most cinephiles considering it the best film of 2017). It grows and builds in as organic a manner that a film possibly can. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt - I needed to get to know the characters, then, through most of the movie, I was cracking up at all the tension and the misery between them, then, by the last 10 minutes, I was in tears - a flow of tears which increased each minute as I processed the power and uniqueness and realness of what I had just witnessed. They were "profound" tears. I don't know that I've ever seen a movie that so tastefully glamorizes the toxicity of love. The poison that so many of us romanticize, the poison that we NEED in our lives. There are two types of people in the world: people who feel at home in perfectly "healthy" relationships, and then there's the rest of us. This film is for the rest of us. It stands in a league of it's own. I could never have expected the conclusion - the way that the ribbon is tied, the way the final thread is sewn. It hit me like a bag of bricks. It is all of the pain in love and all of the beauty, all at once. I have never seen this story told before. It's completely original, and completely shattering. The three leads are absolutely astonishing - Daniel Day Lewis and Lesley Manville are terrifying - Vicky Krieps is the most real. The writing and directing is impeccable - P.T. Anderson's legacy continues, it's fire burning brighter than ever. Yes, this is a masterpiece. I am dead.


One of the most boring and on the whole, one of the most awfully written movies ever made, I am surprised how "Phantom Thread" is in the 2017's top 10 list of National Board of Review. It feels like a completely typical period piece that was done to death and felt like it was trying hard to get nominated for Oscars. In simple words, it is just "try hard" movie that was simply made for being nominated because it looks so different than other ones. Daniel Day-Lewis and Vicky Krieps have given a very good performance, can't take anything away from them. The characterization given to Day-Lewis was not bad, but at the same not something that we have not seen before. And, Krieps's character is obviously the polar opposite of what Day-Lewis's character is. The way they fall in love is done very abruptly. And, during that and after that, all the movie does is repetition. A whole lot of plotlines are simply showing their polarizing characters and just that. Then, we don't know why but Krieps poisons Day-Lewis kind of like to .... develop some romance, I guess. Then, after that plotline is over, we get the repetition ..... again! Then towards the end, he agrees to get poisoned because that's the only way he can be with her, because he is some sort of a terrible stubborn ..... I think. It doesn't sound so bad, but it's done quite horribly. During all the repetitions, a brief character development of Lesley Manville's character is there. Otherwise, until towards the end, at the point where I stopped caring about this movie, we get literally no character development whatsoever. It was the same thing in a slightly different situation. The storytelling is very very poor. The only merits are the performances of the lead actors, the production and costume design. Else, nothing is redeeming about this movie. I still have an opinion that "The Shape of Water" is the worst best picture ever. But it wasn't the worst nominee in that category. Guess which one was? Yup. "Phantom Thread". In short, it's a ridiculous period piece and a ridiculous romantic movie that doesn't even have the most generic romance. It gets an "E" and a "2.1/10".


I personally found this film a bit tedious and unengaging( I was a bit bored throughout). This film just wasn't for me. Yet objectively this is an amazing film. The acting, directing, cinematography and set design were all outstanding. I just wish I could have enjoyed it. I went in with very little info on the film as I usually do with films that are well reviewed. (I read the reviews after watching the film, so I don't have other people opinions clouding my judgement). I was unfortunately expecting something a bit a bit darker. I also had to see the movie because it may be Daniel Day-Lewis' final film. If you are a fan of Downton Abby or Jane Austin novels (both of which I dislike) you will almost certainly enjoy this movie.


....surprisingly liked the film. I kept waiting for a moment to 'open' my DVR as I did for 'The Master'. Understand I am not saying I would see it again - probably not but it was no where near as dreadful as many here made it out to be. It reminded me of a film Kubrick would have directed - meandering with confusing purpose and a finale that, although possible not very plausible. The repetitive center on Reynold Woodcock (played by Daniel Day-Lewis) is that which Kubrick often times used and for the viewer for very little gain.Alma slowly but determinedly becomes her own woman however the role she plays is (maybe intentionally) confusing in the house. Regardless even allowing for the long scenes of seeing Reynold Woodcock act with horrific arrogance and cruelty the story shows a much needed transformation of him for all involved. Is it a surprise of what Alma decides to do to re-start her seemingly collapsing marriage an act of evil? Remember this is 1950's UK which is the one complaint I had i.e. I doubt very much anyone used the coarse words that Woodcock did per his class and status.It rather reminded me of a Henry James novel which is why such are always better depicted on the screen with actors/actresses rather than having to wade through both dull prose and even duller settings as this certainly would have been in 'book form'.The star for me was the sister 'Cyril' played by the strong but elegant lesley Manville. Her performance was the only truly 'real' person in the film. I would say see it but if you're fortunate get it from the library as 'one setting' is a bit much even for a film a bit longer than 2 hours.
