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I Feel Pretty

I Feel Pretty (2018)

April. 20,2018
| Comedy Romance

A head injury causes a woman to develop an extraordinary amount of confidence and believe she's drop dead gorgeous.


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It's exactly what you expect and I love Amy Schumer for it. Just the ridiculous, outlandish pick-me-up comedy a girl needs. Probably deserves an 8, but gave it 10 to even out the haters.


I was so excited to see this movie. It looked really cute, and had a good idea. As a woman around Amy Schumer's age, I can identify with the little insecurities this movie represents. However, the movie really missed the mark. Here's the deal- Amy's character Renee is some kind of computer programmer working for a major makeup company. But they keep her in the basement office, and she wants to work at headquarters. So she applies for the receptionist job, etc. Major paycut aside, Renee wants to feel noticed. She thinks about her appearance constantly and what's worse, total strangers treat her based on that. This is where the movie starts to feel cartoonish. Amy is nowhere near unattractive in this film. But several times, random strangers will be rude to her based on her appearance. There's even a scene where Renee is upset because she's sent to headquarters, and feels she looks ugly despite looking very professional with her hair perfectly styled. It didn't make sense. Another issue was how they handled the injury. If you've seen the trailer, you know she hurts herself in spin class, causing her self perception to change. But Renee still thinks about her appearance 24/7. The only change is, she believes she's gorgeous. This is obviously the plot and I expected it, but the way they portray it makes it hard to root for her character. She becomes a mirror image of the people who mistreated her, and still talks about her looks constantly. All in all, I'd say the first 30 mins were kind of cute but the movie left me disappointed. It was a lot of self deprecating humor about Amy's looks that didn't always work, and not a lot of soul searching or discovering into who Renee was... she bumps her again head and is so disappointed by her appearance, she breaks up with her boyfriend and quits her new, high paying job. She gets it together by the end but it feels undeserved.


We all have seen this Big to Shallow Hal. Just a girl version. If you never see this movie your not missing out.


Definitely not so funny that you couldn't catch a breath while laughing. In fact I hardly laughed out loud through the whole movie. But the heart warming feeling you get when you watch Disney cartoons was there the whole movie and sometimes that's what I need to get rid of exhaustion. It was very simple in story but it did a good job performing a cliche.
