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Sicario (2015)

September. 18,2015
| Action Thriller Crime

An idealistic FBI agent is enlisted by a government task force to aid in the escalating war against drugs at the border area between the U.S. and Mexico.


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Norlok PHz

I am waiting for action, revealing and all of sudden it came out. Thats why i would like to see it again


The opening scene shows a swat team invading a house. Two guys sit calmly watching TV in the living room when the armored vehicle crashes thru the wall. Eventually the swat team opens up newly dry-walled walls, the screw holes having been spackled. Inside the walls are dozens of dead bodies, wrapped in plastic, standing upright. What is wrong with this? The guys watching TV have no problem with the smell of decaying corpses. The swatters don't smell anything until they start opening the walls. The corpses stand upright without any visible support (rigor mortis is very temporary). The walls are being prepared for painting. Did they think no one would notice how thick the walls would have to be to enclose dead bodies?


The pace and captivating screenplay give nods to what is going on. Nothing is made clear and the subtleties are something you explore as you watch. A Film that isn't too loud but isn't too quiet either. It may lose your attention at certain points but persevere and watch to the end for the brutal moments that depict a powerful story of US special operations and simple revenge that drags down all that stand in it's wake.


With a high IMDB rating and reviews, I decided to watch this movie and was disappointed. It seems like a Documentary or a TV show packaged as Movie. Someone who has grown up on 80's action, the type of action shown in this, fails to impress. In the name of realism, there is only sound and light show. With movies like this, labelled as action/thriller, I can see why comic book movies are doing so good. Even if its CGI, its action, its thrill, its fantasy. In the name of realism I came across something boring. I don't care about that technical brilliance, if its dull and boring. Even the plot doesn't have much substance. I mean, there are many loose ends. Who were those people, whose bodies we saw in opening and why were they killed etc etc. From kidnapping, to illegal immigrants, it finally zeroes on to drug use.Everyone is clueless in movie about why certain things are happening, what to do etc etc. Only Josh Brolin and that other guy Benicio Del Toro seem to know everything and they are keeping it to themselves. In the end they reveal everything, with a casual one liner. Which doesn't even raise an eye brow, neither from the viewers or even actors. Emily Blunt, she looks tired and worn out. Better to call it a Drama, with a international border drug smuggling theme than an action/thriller, because there was hardly any thrill in it.
