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A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place (2018)

April. 06,2018
| Drama Horror Science Fiction

A family is forced to live in silence while hiding from creatures that hunt by sound.


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This is, to me, a 3 star film. Why give 1 star? Because the ratings are wrong!Since everyone at least starts watching movies knowing the basic premise, from the beginning it didn't generate "why? curiosity, A-ha" realization. We knew it all and... nothing really happens afterwards. At the beginning, when the whole family leaves the youngest son behind. I go WTF. Is he not their son? This little boy lags way behind on the railroad (full of danger, where he can easily trip over). They never look back. When the noise erupts, the mother just stares for a long long moment. The whole thing is so unrealistic. So contrived. They needed a forced drama and shock, none of which I felt. From that moment on, it was flaw after flaw, hole after hole, cliche after cliche. I could predict every jump scare before it happened, including that open palm on the glass door. How many times do we have to see that? Overall, it felt like a clumsy student project.


Nothing happens for a solid 45 minutes then BAM Emily Blunt goes into labor, impales her foot on a thick nail, drops a lamp attracting the monster and has to scramble to survive. WHILE HAVING A BABYjust when u think the situation can't get worse, it doesit's like the movie tryna target Emily Blunt and her newborn specificallyEmily Blunt's character in this movie is braver than any US MarinesI cANT. BELIEVE. Nobody died in this film, except an elderly couple. EVERYONR LIVED. amazing.John Krasinski was pretty cute in this movie, Emily Blunt a total badass. Winning performance from husband-and-wife duo.


I'm not sure what movie some people saw going by their negative reviews but it wasn't this one. A Quiet Place is a tense and artfully shot movie that makes full use of sounds to crank up the tension. With barely any dialogue that's a great feat. The acting is top notch and the fear on the faces of the actors really does seem real. Yes, there are plot holes but in a movie where you have to suspend your disbelief, I find there are always plot holes. I enjoyed it a lot and look forward to the sequel.


The movie was breathtaking for sure. Sound effects, Score, Performances, almost everything is fine but as many of the reviewers said- 1. They should have live at the river if the river's sound make them able to speak freely. 2. Corn plantation without making any noises? 3. Blunt is Pregnant at the time of monsters epidemic? 4. Krasinski can divert that creature by making a loud sound with his axe. 5. The opening death was girl's fault. 6. They have CCTV camera system but unable to provide a single soundproof room? 7. Blunt should have REMOVED THAT BLOODY NAIL after she hurts herself! 8. Blunt easily killed the monster by a shotgun but in the newspaper bulletin it shows that military armies were defeated by them (& armies have lots of guns & tanks)Ofcourse We're Human, we can see lots of plot holes even in a great film but nonetheless this film deserves to be praised. After a long long time I was thrilled by a monster movie, I was glued to my phone the entire 90 minutes.A sequel is green lited but I'll be more excited to see this film story as a web series, from origin to it's end.8/10
