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Bad Moms

Bad Moms (2016)

July. 29,2016
| Comedy

When three overworked and under-appreciated moms are pushed beyond their limits, they ditch their conventional responsibilities for a jolt of long overdue freedom, fun, and comedic self-indulgence.


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It had its moments but overall, could have and should have been better given the cast. Mediocre writing and acting undermined the film pretty much from the beginning.


Ok I've read some of the bad reviews for this movie and a lot of the people that hate it are just taking it WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. It's not the frickin Da Vinci Code or Passion of the Christ ok? I personally really enjoyed this movie because I accepted it for what it is. Sure there are stereotypical characters (like Christina Applegate as the uberwealthy, overbearing head of the PTA) and cliché dialogue and plot lines. But as a woman with no children I thought it was hilarious listening to the wacky dreams of mothers (like being hit by a car so they can be taken care of).So if you can put aside your desire for a movie to "make sense", "have meaning", "correctly reflect reality" etc. and think it would be funny for mums to throw a drunken house party, watch this movie.

The Movie Diorama

Just so I clear this off my mind, annoyingly the American title remains for the UK release. Honestly, "Bad Mums" would've sufficed surely? I understand why (because the mothers are American) but still! Maybe it's just my OCD playing a part. Anyway, for this comedy we follow a few "moms" who are sick and tired of doing everything...and so they choose to rebel. So now you're asking: how do "moms" rebel? Well, they go partying trying to get laid and wreak havoc in slow motion within a supermarket to the background music of pounding pop/dance songs. I could easily go down the whole "this is completely anti-male" route...but let's take this with a pinch of salt and just enjoy it. As you all know, American comedies don't stick with me. Fortunately, this is actually above average and that's majorly down to the cast. Mila Kunis was great, she had charisma and screen presence. Christina Applegate is always a delight, even if she's the antagonist but the standout is Kathryn Hahn who's vulgarity and crudeness just gets results. Hear me out...I laughed twice because of her. Me laughing twice is like Christmas coming early, it doesn't happen often. Oh, Jada Pinkett Smith should not be on the front cover, she has like 5 lines of dialogue. Underused. Some of the jokes felt fresh but the majority of them were repeated from other films. Particularly the bra scene which was copying last year's The Boss...why on earth would you want to copy that I do not know. The story was functional, the basis of it revolved around a PTA election...I enjoyed it, nothing too memorable though. I guess in the back of my mind...I find the whole concept silly. If I was under that amount of stress (God knows I have been), I would just talk to someone...I wouldn't rebel. You don't see me starring in a film called "Bad Employees". My reviews for comedies always seem harsh, but honestly I was entertained and found it to be enjoyable enough to warrant another viewing in the future.


This movie is bad on just about every level: concept, acting, writing, consistency. It's supposed to show how tough life is for moms these days but can't decide i it wants to be a raunch-fest, a family thing, or have a moral. A single mom (whose husband is a boob), a stay-at-home mom (whose husband is a tyrant), and a sex-crazed skank mom (no hubby) get together and - what exactly?They decide unfunny Mila Kunis needs to get laid so they transform her and go bar-hopping where one after another hot guy disconnects until hot single Latin father and she connect for the most chaste sex scene on film. (The real problem with female raunch films is that they don't want to get naked. Shades of 'Sarah Marshall', also with Bell and Kunis and also unfunny.) Hann is wholly unlikeable; a male character with the same characteristics would be decried. Think Rob Corrddry. Kunis gets fired, she can't reconcile with her ex-, her kids have problems - but she faces them all with the same bland non-angst.There's the evil PTA that somehow runs the school with the "perfect" moms as counterpoint which is so over the top that it's parody. What, no working moms have it together, or have good husbands? The manifesto speech at the end undercuts everything but of course the bond of momhood trumps all and they all fly off in a private jet. (What about the kids? Oh, moms gotta be moms).Save your money and your time.
