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Dolores Claiborne

Dolores Claiborne (1995)

March. 24,1995
| Drama Crime Mystery

Dolores Claiborne was accused of killing her abusive husband twenty years ago, but the court's findings were inconclusive and she was allowed to walk free. Now she has been accused of killing her employer, Vera Donovan, and this time there is a witness who can place her at the scene of the crime. Things look bad for Dolores when her daughter Selena, a successful Manhattan magazine writer, returns to cover the story.


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"Dolores Claiborne" is an intriguing adaptation of Stephen King's fascinating novel, featuring a terrifying and thought-provoking account of a middle-aged woman's complex and tragedy-ridden life. Kathy Bates superbly portrays Dolores Claiborne, the main character whose marriage, work life, motherhood and subsequent years after the unfolding of the events depicted in the movie are the film's central frame. We see Kathy Bates as a young mother and maidservant for the difficult Vera Donovan, who is portrayed by the great Judy Parfitt. Jennifer Jason Leigh plays Dolores' daughter Selena, a complex character with more facets than a first look would allow to notice. While John C. Reilly and Christopher Plummer play great supporting roles, it's David Strathairn who may be the most outstanding supporting actor in the movie, portraying a frightening version of Dolores' husband Joe.Stephen King's novel may well be one of my personal favorite books, so it was only with great expectations that I started watching Taylor Hackford's interpretation of the story. Hackford changed a lot about the time line and added scenes including further confrontations between Selena and Dolores, but none of those decisions affected the movie in a negative way. The film mainly works thanks to the amazing performance of Kathy Bates, one of the best actresses working nowadays who deserves to be given more serious stuff in the vein of "Misery", "Fried Green Tomatoes" or "Dolores Claiborne" to work with. The story itself may be a rather ordinary one, but Stephen King made it work thanks to the unusual style of writing and one of his most memorable and most interesting narrators, and Taylor Hackford made it work thanks to casting Kathy Bates in this complex role.It is my personal belief that "Dolores Claiborne" easily lives up to the reputation of another Stephen King classic starring Kathy Bates, "Misery". While the latter may be the more memorable movie, there is no doubt that both these movies (and novels) are incredibly well-written and turn a simply premise into an engaging and thrilling story. Even if you already know the plot from the beginning to the end - as you do by reading Stephen King's novel, where he establishes the main plot elements from the very beginning -, both the movie and the book will not stop being engaging until its very end, and in my opinion, that's what good storytelling is about. It may not be a masterpiece, but it is an underrated story more than deserving of your attention and your time.


I won't bother to repeat a summary of this flick as so many others have done so already. What I will tell you is not to be foolish by not seeing this movie. This is a film you must pay attention to. Close attention. The films shifts from past to present in the blink of an eye. You don't want to miss a second.The mere fact that this movie didn't make a clean sweep at the Academy Awards and walk with every Oscar is beyond me and probably the majority of the comments on IMDb. Stephen King's writing at its finest, the best possible dream casting, Kathy Bates and Jennifer Jason Leigh gave monumental performances, I would say their career finest. But the Academy in their infinite wisdom chose to turn a blind eye to this masterpiece. Perhaps you can decide for yourself; I think this film was robbed of its true merits.


Dolores Claiborne is a film about keeping secrets. Everyone does here and when they are revealed we have the sum and substance of the film. This film will be quite the revelation to those who think Stephen King can only write about otherworldly creatures invading our space. Dolores Claiborne shows that we humans can be terrifying in and of ourselves just being who we are.The title role is played by Kathy Bates. She's a widow suspected in the death of wealthy widow Judy Parfitt for whom she was housekeeper and general factotum. Parfitt fell down a flight of stairs in her home and the authorities in the person of Christopher Plummer think she had help from Bates.Plummer several years ago investigated the death of Claiborne's husband David Strathairn who was a drunken lout and something even more sinister I won't reveal. He couldn't make the case, but he's determined to get Bates and make up for the fact this was the one case out of 86 homicides he did not make an arrest.Jennifer Jason Leigh who is the daughter of Strathairn and Bates who is an investigative reporter working in New York. She comes in to town to see if she can help her mother. It's between Bates and Jason Leigh that we learn about how everyone is keeping secrets and as the secrets are revealed we see how the characters true nature is.The climax of the film is the coroner's inquest where Jason Leigh and Plummer go head to head. The last of the secrets are revealed and Jennifer who covered enough homicide cases rips the arrogant Plummer into shreds. As they dialog, Kathy Bates sits by and watches and does some of her best acting with her eyes. It's a touching scene with highest quality of acting all around.In fact Dolores Claiborne ought to be required viewing for potential thespians. Not all of it involves written words even if they're written by a writer as acclaimed as Stephen King.


It will grab you from the beginning, and hold your interest until the end.It is very moving.Not everyone can relate to poor, struggling, hard-working people while immersed in their usual aspect of life. I believe even dividend collectors, whose worst daily trial is the walk to the mailbox to collect their checks, "earned" off the backs of workers, can connect with this one.Interwoven is a story of repressed memory child abuse, and you are presented with a riveting tale that's horrific as well as compelling.Please give this one a try, even if you're not a Stephen King fan. You will be rewarded.
