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The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect (2004)

January. 23,2004
| Thriller Science Fiction

A young man struggles to access sublimated childhood memories. He finds a technique that allows him to travel back into the past, to occupy his childhood body and change history. However, he soon finds that every change he makes has unexpected consequences.


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Couldn't think of a title^ anyways, don't be a hater and try to point out the plot holes in this movie and take it as it is. This movie has a sick idea and creates a emotional and thrilling story inside of it. I don't really like the name Evan, and was kind of mad i found myself rooting for a guy named Evan, but that just shows how good Ashton Kutcher is in this movie. I'm a die hard Charlie Sheen fan and was not a fan of Ashton Kutch in Two and a Half Men, but he is really good in this. CONCLUSION- If you are looking for an good movie that you will be surprised and intrigued by, watch this. PS The directors ending/cut is the way to go.


I really love it! It's my favorite movie, I see it more than once.It gives us a great life lesson demonstrating how each action, however small it is may have secondary effects, so I think that before doing something we have to ask twice. It gives us a great philosophical teaching! They should show it in schools


Released in 2004 and directed/written by Eric Bress & J. Mackye Gruber, "The Butterfly Effect" is a sci-fi/thriller/horror starring Ashton Kutcher as a young man who suffers blackouts during significant events of his life. In college he finds a way to remember these lost memories and, more significantly, alter bad events by supernaturally traveling to the past via focusing on the words in his old journals. Unfortunately, changing the past has unforeseen repercussions. Amy Smart plays his girlfriend and William Lee Scott her psycho (or maybe not) brother. Melora Walters appears as his mother while Elden Henson plays his pal, Lenny.This is an ambitious movie that cogently shows how changing one element of the past has a ripple effect, both positive and negative. The constant change in timeline makes the story seem jumbled at first, but the movie finds its footing and everything ultimately makes sense. Kutcher is surprisingly good in the lead role while Amy is solid in support, and fetching. Where the movie sometimes goes off the rails is the exaggerated behavior of some of the characters throughout. The way they act just doesn't ring true and it comes across goofy, like characters in a comedic slasher flick. It's as if the writers don't understand how real people act in the situations in question; even wackos don't behave as portrayed. As such, these sequences come off surreal at best. But, if you can handle this glaring flaw, "The Butterfly Effect" is a worthwhile quasi-horror flick, although be forewarned that icky topics are breached (but thankfully only breached). The film runs 113 minutes while the Director's Cut with the originally-intended ending runs 120 minutes. The consensus is that the theatrical version is superior to the bleak, cold and grotesque climax of the Director's Cut. The locations are awesome, by the way, shot in the Vancouver area. GRADE: Borderline B-/C+


Wow! What a lot of crap I just saw, incredible! I have too say that the only brain damaged during this film was mine. It really impressed me the thousands of clichés that this movie has; it was one after the other one, and it never stopped. Do not get me wrong though, the plot and the whole idea of the butterfly effect is pretty cool, you just need to know how to express it; since it is a very complex idea. Many people say that these movie is underrated because of Ashton Kutcher's performance, but in my opinion, everything else is so bad (and I mean really bad), that I probably didn't pay much of attention to him, but for example, if the direction is bad, and if the actor is not really good, he or she obviously needs that support of the director;and since the direction of this movie its awful, and probably one of the worst I have ever seen, there for everything else is wrong, and awful, and bad, and list goes on (in this movie). There was even a part were I almost cried of how terrible it is.
