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Event Horizon

Event Horizon (1997)

August. 15,1997
| Horror Science Fiction Mystery

In 2047, a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the starship Event Horizon which disappeared mysteriously seven years before on its maiden voyage. However, it soon becomes evident that something sinister resides in its corridors.


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Just paying my tribute to the movie. Event Horizon is besides the 1st Alien movie an absolute favorite of mine regarding sci-fi horror in space.Event got it all - suspense, gore, horror, good acting, good production. I watched Event Horizon a couple of times (like Alien) and will still re-watch from time to time. Great!


Interesting reading through the reviews on this film. They're a mixture of sensible reviews from people who've watched the film and been happy to suspend some disbelief, and then all the conspiracy of "1"s that come across as people ganging up on the film. Yes, it takes inspiration from greats of sci-fi and horror, and quite unashably in many ways, and the science and ship design are a bit flawed if you're interested in spacecraft construction, however look past that and it's a really entertaining film. Strong cast and a great feeling of claustrophobia created throughout.


This may be the worst sci-fi horror movie i've ever seen. Which is terribly unfortunate as the subject matter about what lies beyond the Event Horizon of a Black Hole lends itself well to so many interesting (and fantastical ) possibilities that in the right hands has the potential to be a great film. The film moves very slowly but does not deliver any kind of reward for those who are patient enough to wait for it to unravel. One of my biggest criticisms of the film is that is doesn't explore what happened to the crew of The Event Horizon sufficiently to make it engaging and interesting enough. All those "flash back" scenes of the crew only serve to frustrate the viewer as it is not sufficiently fleshed out tat the end. We can only surmise some terrible "thing" happened to them. It both frustrating and yes becomes boring. Also almost as a homage to Alien(s) it borrows scenes directly from the movie. For instance the scene where Sam Neil is sucked out of the airlock. The scene where the rescue vessel discovers and boards the pod from the Event Horizon ( so similar to start Aliens go check it out) and the scene where one of the survivors "dreams" the evil Sam Neil is one of the rescuers........well it seemed pretty obvious to me. Over all terrible film. I wonder when Sam Neil walks into one of those lovely old Pubs in Dunedin New Zealand after a day working on the farm, whether the locals ask him "hey Sam weren't you in that movie , Event Horizon?" Just as he's about to throw a dart just to put him off..........i would! Ha!


Excellent cast, standard set of characters, and a familiar plot are all this has going for it. The music is poor, the "special" effects are laugh-out-loud hilarious, and the editing made a fast paced story seem slow and bogged down in irrelevant detours.Did his wife's suicide mean anything? What happened to her son? Is he now Frankenstein's monster? We'll never know.Watch it if you have nothing better to do, but, beware: anyone watching with you may be unwilling to forgive your choice. You may never hold the remote again.
