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The Reaping

The Reaping (2007)

April. 05,2007
| Horror

Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.


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You've got all your talking points. Greedy corporations; ignorant, gullible religious people who are so "economically desperate they will believe anything" (read "cling to their guns and bibles); radio station with a preacher talking about Jesus providing food for your table and bullets for your guns; smarmy liberals chuckling smugly over those impossibly ignorant flyover folks.Liberals should not be allowed to make movies that are not based in Hollywood or NYC. It's amazing to me how wrong they get it when they make movies about religion - Christians in particular. But then again, they exist in an echo chamber, and no new knowledge can squeeze in.


This wasn't as bad as all the reviews had me believing. Hillary swank does a good job with her role as a former Christian missionary who after the death of her family loses her faith and now spends her time debunking alleged religious miracles. We also get Idris Elba, which is no hardship as her student turned personal assistant and a welcome sighting from the former "Governor" David Morrissey.The story itself is interesting following Swank and Elba into the bible belt of small town Louisiana to investigate a series of biblical plagues. They arrive to prove that a supernatural force is not at work but soon find that science cannot explain what is happening.I wouldn't exactly call this a "horror" movie, sure it maintains a mysterious and spooky atmosphere but its never truly scary its more set up multiple times to be ultra jumpy; things falling, people sneaking up behind, strange dream sequences, a creepy mute girl in the woods.The scenery from the Louisiana bayou is beautiful, and the special effects due to the ten plagues are well done; river of blood, locusts, boils, lice, a priest witnessing strange things, dying cattle. The locusts swarm scene is particularly good. All in its not a great movie and not super scary but still worth a watch. 11/3/16

Eddie Cantillo

The Reaping (2007) Starring:Hillary Swank, AnnaSophia Robb,David Morrissey, Idris Elba,Stephen Rea,Andrea Frankle,William Ragsdale,John McConnell,David Jensen,and Yvonne Landry Directed by Stephen Hopkins Review HEAVEN OR HELL. GOOD OR EVIL. NOW OR NEVER. Hello Kiddies your pal the crypt-critic here has another film he doesn't hate himself for liking. I like the Reaping because that one thing a guy would enjoy in the bible,bring the violence. It also has a good story and acting as well. The Reaping follows and ordain minister played by Hillary Swank,who has made it her mission to prove that GOD doesn't exist.She is called to investigate a series of deaths in a small town known as Haven(you know like that SYFY show)that all seem to be plagues brought on by a little girl.Yep then the rivers run red, the locus wreak havoc and the bodies hit the floor. The film delivers an interesting premise challenging both science and religion,it has a surprising twist at the end and a stellar cast. Hillary Swank is good as always, David Morris keeps you shrouded in mystery wondering whether if he is good or bad.But my favorite performance in this comes from AnnaSophia Robb who plays the little girl causing all the plagues,to be honest I'm quite a fan of this actress and can't wait to see her in more films. AnnaSophia Robb plays one of the creepist little girls I've ever seen on film,she is conveyed through her eyes as threatening and she's believable and convinced me that this whole town was afraid of her. This is yet another film I believe is disliked for no good reason it's dark,it's eerie, and filled with atmosphere three things that are lacking in horror films now a days. Watch this I recommended this great film, I give The Reaping a four out of five.


Just found this movie on one old DVD. Well, I have to say I'm shocked, this is a pretty good little thriller.Katherine (Hillary Swank) is an ex-missionary turned scientist and debunker, and she's called to investigate a small town in the deep South where the river has turned red or as some suspect to blood. This is followed in close order by other Biblical plagues. They all seem to to be tied to a young girl living in the woods.Its' "plot driving event" seen at the beginning of the movie is kinda cliché, when the priest is watching Katherine's picture, eyes on it are starting to burn. Similar thing is seen for example in "The Omen", a lot of years ago. Score is totally haunting and is sung by choir, it adds a lot to the movie's creepy atmosphere, so does cinematography with minimal light or with daylight. It is also brilliant framed and the camera work is very enjoyable. Editing is done well, especially when it shows 2 parallel actions. Acting is done nice, especially Swank's part. CGI is also done very well.
