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Incarnate (2016)

December. 02,2016
| Horror Thriller

An exorcist comes up against an evil from his past when he uses his skills to enter the mind of a nine year old boy.


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I was very skeptical in seeing this movie, because in the last years all of the horror movies (except for few titles, and believe me, I devoured the horror genre since I started watching movies) were extremely disappointing, with a very generic scenario and lots of cliches, not to mention poor dialogues, lots of plot holes and so on. But today I decided to give this movie a chance, because the main idea of how the victims are "exorcised" got me intrigued. It was a pleasant surprise to not see the ordinary Bible, Holy water and prayers involved in an exorcism, but something that's rather scientific and psychological. The action is very intense, not because of jumpscares and loud soundtrack, but because of that intense psychological battle between Dr. Ember and the victims.At some point the scenario is even puzzling you as an audience, because you cannot tell which of the characters are in the real world and which ones are living the illusion within the possession. As I don't want to give much spoilers about the movie, I can tell you that it is worth your time. It is not the mother of horror movies, but it brings a new idea for the whole possession concept.

Josef Roesler (madwand6)

I can only imagine the people who are saying this concept is original must not watch many movies because the ending was predictable as possible, especially since it was pretty much the same ending as the movie Fallen with Denzel Washington. If you haven't seen it, the movie ends in the woods so the demon can't jump into someone else when it's finally dealt with, only to find out it jumped into a cat. Same thing here, don't touch him, don't touch him, ok, let everybody touch him now...poof, demon jumped. Really? No one was expecting that, huh? Right.


the movie isn't as bad as it is rated here by the users.it is well planned and well executed. the story is really gripping and keep you engage until the end. this isn't the kind of movie which thrives on horror or want you to jump from your seat. this is a mystery which unfolds with something you want to see. i enjoyed the movie and it delivered what i wanted to see. certainly some things are there which i didn't understand, may be a second watch will clear it.


A scientist with the ability to enter the subconscious minds of the possessed must save a young boy from the grips of a demon with powers never seen before, while facing the horrors of his past. Incarnate is your typical possession kind of film that even takes ideas from movies such as Inception and the Exorcist and it succeeds on screwing up in both aspects. It's not scary and the acting isn't that great and although Aaron Eckhart tries his best to hold this film his character is just badly written i mean who the hell thought that it was a good idea to have a scientist that can get inside your head and he is paralyzed from the waist down it wasn't sad if that is what it tried to do it was actually pretty hilarious in a very bad way. Incarnate is another huge disappointment that had a good and watchable trailer that simply fall flat in everything that was trying to be plus WWE Studios made it so that should give you a warning. (0/10)
