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Hot Pursuit

Hot Pursuit (2015)

May. 08,2015
| Action Comedy

An uptight by-the-book cop must protect the widow of a drug boss from crooked cops and gunmen.


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Worst writing and direction this side of Battlefield Earth.


I'm not sure what to add here that hasn't been said already. It's just a run in the mill cop comedy, except that the police character in question happens to be a woman, and her escortee is a Latin American female.Unlike Jerry Lewis and Christopher Hitchens I know that women can be funny. There've been lots of funny women around. And the two actresses here actually do an excellent job of acting their parts. The only problem is that the writing is tepid at best. It's not bad, but it's cliché in a late 1990s 2000-teen era sort of way.The sexual comedy is not funny. The romantic moments aren't all that romantic. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of development about anything other than a basic plot and an attempt to play up the cultural divide between the two female leads.Again, not really a bad film, and technically it's "good", but I think I chuckled maybe three times. Which is too bad because I've seen both actresses in other roles, and they can make good dialogue sing. This material was essentially "by the numbers" kind of stuff. Formulaic retreaded scripts do not a good movie make. And all the A-grade talent in the world won't make up for it.Oh well. If you need a police comedy on your TV or computer monitor, go rent the first Police Academy movie, then hop onto a game server of your choice.See it maybe once, then pass it up if the opportunity to watch it again comes around.


I didn't expect much and I was let down anyway. Sitting alone and staring at a wall would have been more enjoyable than watching Reese Witherspoon feign awkwardness as joke after joke fell flat.There is a painfully interminable fight scene where two characters fight over a gun that bounces all over a hotel room. It was supposed to be funny, I guess. This sedative of a movie refused to give me a single genuine laugh. I think I chuckled at some point during the movie, but can't remember when. It was a mild chuckle, at best, and not worth the time to recall it.Every single scene that was supposed to be emotional felt forced. You know that scene in buddy comedies when the characters realize they kind of like each other? This movie has that scene. The characters start laughing and sharing personal information for no reason. They have no reason to like each other and neither one says anything funny, yet the scene is added anyway.One boring scene after another streams along and they are followed by more boring paint-by-numbers "buddy comedy" scenes. I hope the actresses got new houses or something from their paychecks. At least then someone will have been rewarded for slogging through this bog of blandness. Avoid this movie at all costs--even if you face divorce for refusing to watch this film with your spouse, choose a life of loneliness. It'll be worth it.


Glad I rented this, instead of seeing it at a theater. I'm shocked Reese Witherspoon agreed to this film. A very poor, silly comedy. I did however, see a glimpse of good acting ability in Sofia, when she showed her evil, serious side. I believe she could portray a great criminal, but that glimpse was simply that, a 20-30 second glimpse. I must admit, my wife was laughing and giggling throughout the movie at some of the more female oriented jokes. She seemed to enjoy it much more than I did. I was shaking my head almost the entire film. There was just too much slap stick to suit me. If you are a Sofia fan, you need to rent this. I don't think they could have showed much more of her body than they did without going to a higher rating. She is nice to look at but that screaming she does gets a bit irritating after a while. The film was only around an hour and thirty minutes long, I don't think I could have lasted much longer.
