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Time Lapse

Time Lapse (2014)

May. 24,2014
| Thriller Science Fiction Mystery

Three friends discover a mysterious machine that takes pictures 24 hours into the future and conspire to use it for personal gain, until disturbing and dangerous images begin to develop.


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The whole concept is flawed. If I put up scores in the window from today and went and viewed a photo that shows the room 24 hours in the future, the scores would in deed be there if I didn't take them down. But the event would have still taken place yesterday and betting on the games wouldn't win you any money. The only way it might work is if you snapped a photo of the TV or something live that had the sports channel on and showing the scores of 24 hours in the future.


A really interesting premise ruined by absurd character behaviour! You know in advance the results of races and place all the bets with one, and only one, dodgy dangerous bookie. No ten or fifteen different Internet accounts with bet sites for you. Let's put every single bet, no accumulators mind, with just one violent scary underground bookie. Plainly ridiculous. As was much that followed. Performances by the actors were decent enough and the main time photo idea was interesting.By the end the female protagonist decides to kill her own boyfriend, in order to change what's already happened, but doesn't kill the cop who calls at her door, just casually and strangely letting him in to see two corpses on her floor! Bizarre! How can the writers screw up such a good idea with lazy, odd, absurd and surreal choices? So much promise, ruined with poorly considered and idiotic writing choices 5/10


I really liked the ending. Although it was predictable it was interesting to see it build up. The processing and filming wasn't too bad (if you exclude the fadings at the beginning of the film) But the rest... The fact that it's an indie movie shouldn't make as an excuse. Primer's story-line was ten times better written and had a (very) small budget! Poor acting, poor characters (so typical), poor dialogues and a very weak story-line. The characters are so full of stereotypes: - Jasper directly wanting to make money of it but never thinking always winning would raise suspicion - Finn being directly against using the machine - Callie the victim of everything in the story It's too bad because I really like time travel and time distortion movies. In this one, it's just like they say in the movie: you don't mess with time. While watching, I could find a dozen ways to prevent the events to spinning down. I gave it a 4 four for not totally ruining the movie with an even worse ending.


I think the disparaging comments on here are uncalled for, and by the way, there are just as many single reviewers writing negative reviews for this as positive ones, I know, I took the time to look through the reviews, and actually look at profiles of the reviews. This may not deserve 10 stars, but t deserves a solid 7 or maybe even an 8 for it's ambitions alone, and the execution, which for the most post is extremely well-done. No, they couldn't move the machine, it says early on it is bolted to the floor, and you can see how big it is, they have to remain inconspicuous as possible when doing things, that would not even be close to inconspicuous.As this is Bradley King's first full-length feature, is it impressive, there are a number of great camera shots, the editing is pretty well- done, the script is also very tight for what it is outside of a couple holes that only consulting scientist would have helped and that would clearly have been out of their budget. The music and is extremely well- done when it is used, I enjoyed the fact that it was not used a lot, but only for emphasis, I often feel music is over-used in films. I especially loved the end sequence, I will likely never forget it, it beautifully shot and the music is phenomenal in the ending sequence, I kept replaying it over and over, it is just so well-done. I have watched a umber of science fiction films and movies about time- travel. I am going to say up-front that if you are looking for a film solidly based in the theories of time travel, while the script writer and director really tried, there are a number of flaws which I will not get into because they will be spoilers, that keep it from being scientific because the time travel in this film conflicts with itself. However, this should not take away from the enjoyment if you view it more as a fantasy/sci-fi and character study than a pure science fiction film, which it is not. Especially since the people involved know nothing about science, or even try to learn about it largely because of the distracting and precarious circumstances they are in. I really enjoyed the movie other than George Finn, and most times, because his character is a heavy drug user, addicted gambler, liar, and general jerk, it wasn't as big as a problem as it would have been if he was playing a sympathetic character. yet, he does still drag the movie down, I watched it twice, and while I didn't notice it much the first time through, the second time I definitely did. The only actors all do fantastic, I enjoyed Matt O'Leary & Danielle Panabaker, I have seen both of them in movies or TV before and I have always enjoyed Danielle Panabaker. I did enjoy that each character has their reasons for using the machine, and they are a;l at the core of who they are. It essentially for them, becomes wish-fulfillment, and it is not just about money, but it is all extremely self-centered, which really shows what happens when you focus only on yourself at the expense of others, or without even considering others. The characters make what seem like stupid decisions, but again, they are extremely self-motivated, nobody makes good decisions when they are totally based on selfish reasons. Also, people keep saying "I'd make a better decision." Really? When was the last time you got in to a situation like this? We may not have time travel, but it is proved, that if you go through a situation where you are thrown off your bearings and it is potentially traumatic, and life-changing, often times, you make very dumb decisions because you have adrenaline and usually have to make decisions quickly, which sometimes results in very bad decisions. You cannot say people should always make a great decision like they are in a stress free normal day-to-day routine, when that is just not realistic. I didn't find their decisions that dumb, especially when you think about the stupidity in characters of almost every single slasher ever made. God Bless ~Amy
