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Deception (2008)

April. 25,2008
| Thriller Mystery

As a corporate auditor who works in a number of different offices, Jonathan McQuarry wanders without an anchor among New York's power brokers. A chance meeting with charismatic lawyer Wyatt Bose leads to Jonathan's introduction to The List, an underground sex club. Jonathan begins an affair with a woman known only as S, who introduces Jonathan to a world of treachery and murder.


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An accountant is introduced to a mysterious sex club known as The List by his lawyer friend. But in this new world, he soon becomes the prime suspect in a woman's disappearance and a multi-million dollar heist. Deception is better that it usually gets credit for plus Hugh Jackman went totally against character by playing a bad guy in this film (years before his X-24 clone in Logan). Ewan McGregor and Michelle Williams were also very good in their roles and although slow this movie was more of a sex thriller than an action movie and it works 100%

Robert J. Maxwell

This didn't get exceptional reviews but I kind of enjoyed most of it. It was mostly towards the end when the winces of disbelief appeared.It's a suspense story in which naive, dumb, prosperous burgher Ewan McGregor is blackmailed by smiling, psychopathic, murdering Hugh Jackman and sultry but beef-brained Michelle Williams.I don't think I'll give away much of the plot because it's twisted and at the end it explodes into a multitude of flapdoodles.I found the acting to be pretty good. McGregor is entirely believable as the harmless Wall Street. Jackman is strapped into the role of the smiling evildoer and there's not much that he can do with it. Williams is convincing. Lisa Gay Hamilton, an unimpressive physical presence, brings life to the role of the necessary detective. The direction is functional and efficient, without fireworks.However, the plot thins. You have to believe, for instance, that a man and a hooker who have just met are still able to fall so deeply in love that they're willing to kill for one another.You have to believe that a man in a foreign country, without a job or any other source of income, could walk away from twenty million dollars of mob money that no one would miss anyway. I mean, really -- would you?

Fredrik Bendz

I loved the footage and overall mood of this movie. Michelle Williams is hot as "S" - not a perfect face but very sexy nevertheless. I hope I don't sound too sexist, but she really had something.The plot kept my interest most of the time. I didn't find it as predictable as many other comments suggest.*Spoiler*Some examples: I didn't expect "S" to fall in love with McGuire. I didn't expect him to require double signatures to take out the money. I didn't expect him to leave 20 million USD behind when he could have taken it and walked away. What I did expect, once I knew "S" part of everything, was that McGuire would get the money and the girl - that didn't happen.*End of spoiler*As a thriller, it's about average, but the footage and overall mood lifts it to a higher score, at least in my opinion. (For some reason I, several times, associated it with the computer game Deus EX: Human Evolution).I watched this on TV, and I found it much more exciting and interesting than most of the stuff that is being broad casted today.


The set-up is a nice idea, with an interesting sex ring and anonymous calls. McGregor is our guide through this new and attractive land. As the film progresses it soon goes into predictable thriller territory. With a name like Deception, it just leaves you waiting for all this nonsense to kick off. The latter half of the film is just concerned with trying to trick its audience, but anyone well versed in film will notice the familiar scenes. Jackman can do bad and McGregor can do naive, but the "shocks" the film later adds fly in the face of all common sense. There's a moment where you hope it isn't going to go all thrillery and when it does it does it competently enough to keep your attention.
