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V/H/S/2 (2013)

June. 06,2013
| Horror Thriller

Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.


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V/H/S/2 brings to the audience a new way of found footage short-films. It gives us a lot of different elements and techniques that were used for each one. However the entirety of the film is boring, lame and even with some scares it cannot save this movie.


I gave the first V/H/S a 6/10 and referred to it as very uneven and having more misses than hits. This one, however, is much better and I actually enjoyed a majority of the film.If I were to rate the segments:Tape 49/frame narrative - I never really care for the wrap-around stories in these films. This one was no different, although i did find it better than the wrap-around in the first one. 6/10Phase I Clinical Trials - In my opinion, this is the strongest short in the film. Although one of the others may be more professionally made this is the scariest and my favourite. 9/10A Ride in the Park - A really unique idea that is quite entertaining, but becomes a bit gimmicky and doesn't have a good enough payoff. 7/10Safe Haven - Probably the best segment in terms of film-making, although not as scary as "Phase 1 CLinical Trials" for me. It's the longest, but I was never bored at any point and got pretty freaked out watching it. The ending could have been better, but apart from that it's great. 9/10Slumber Party Alien Abduction - The kids are super annoying. The special effects and sound design and everything are great though. The ending was a bit anti-climactic, but it's still an entertaining watch. 6.5/10


This film is quite frustrating as it has as many low points as high points. I love anthology movies, and this is my first 'found footage' one, but I have to admit I'm kind of left cold by this one as, well, there's too many questions raised and, basically, some of the stories are totally crap.Best to go through segment by segment: Wraparound - Not bad as two PIs track down the son of somebody or other. Logic thrown out of the window as I can't understand why someone would transfer all this digital media onto video tape. Plus the guy's assistant is dead so he decides to watch a video? The fake eyeball one: Generic J-Horror style one that barely makes sense at all. I'm still trying to understand why the girl knew that he could see the dead when she could hear them. Or something.The zombie one. Nice premise. In fact, this one isn't too bad (from the Hobo with a Shotgun guys, which is a film you should watch). Not much of a story, but still.The Cult One. Yet again, this one is high on gore and horror (it's like a Jonestown thing with much more sinister tones)...but logic is also thrown out the window. I mean, if all this crap happened, who snuck back into the compound and gathered together every camera used and then edited it all together (then put it on VHS for no reason)? It's things like this that sink this film.The alien abduction one. I've just described this one. That's it.Anthology films are hard to do. It must be harder to do them 'found footage' style but at least two of the films here seem to involve the apocalypse which makes you wonder how these films ended up on VHS in some guy's house. That sequence barely makes sense at all by the way.Yet again, another film you may or may not like based on who you are. I was kind of indifferent about it.


I liked the film and I found it to be okay and I liked the wrap around in this film more than the one in the first film,I guess I just found this story more interesting it was about two private investigators that are looking for a boy that went missing. The investigators break into his house and find his collection of V/H/S Tapes and they start to watch them. Unlike the first film this one actually made more sense and the stories were better also the characters were better and more likable. Story one was about a man who was having this operation and they put a camera in his eye. I thought the idea of the camera in his eye was interesting but the story was a bit lacking. He goes home and we find out his house is haunted by ghosts but he thinks the eye is making him see these ghosts but it was not because the ghosts were real. The man meets this women they become friends and she tells him the ghosts are real then they work together to try and get rid of the ghosts.Story 2 I liked I thought it was entertaining it was about a man who was a bicycle rider and he rides around in the woods and he encounters a women who was bitten by a zombie,unaware of this he tries to help her and she ends up biting him turning him into a zombie but not before he kills her.a group of others zombies chase after him and the man ends up turning into a zombie from his bite wound and the rest of the story is about all these zombies running around causing mayhem and destruction trying to infect as many people as possible. This short story was one of my favourites and it was entertaining and there were some really good make up effects as well as blood and Gore in this story. Story 3 I liked okay it was a very insane story about a A news crew that infiltrates an Indonesian cult and I must say this story was very bloody and gory and bizarre and people that like bizarre stories will love this one,I found the story entertaining but I did not love it,however I have to give the story a thumbs up for originality it was something different that I'd never seen before,the story has a lot of creepy images in it along with weird creatures. The cultists in this story begin a mass suicide and chaos ensues,the news crew get attacked and they try to escape from the building.I don't want to give away too much but I will say the dark bloody building they were in reminded me of scene in A film called (Jacobs ladder).the hospital scene in that film was just as bizarre as this story. This 3rd story was insane and effectively creepy I have to be honest and admit that,also the story had good make up effects and the creature looked cool.Story 4 would probably be my favourite one it was called (Slumber party Alien Abduction). The story was interesting it was about these kids who put a camera on their dog to create videos.after their parents leave the kids invite some friends over to have some fun. Later their older sisters boyfriend comes over to see her and the kids play pranks on both of them. The laughs soon stop when the kids start to hear loud noises outside,they go downstairs and they soon realise something dangerous is outside and then they see Aliens break into their house and the kids get abducted one by one. The older sister and her brothers run for it and try to escape but they can't see in the dark so they try and hide but everywhere they go the Aliens seem to find them. Whenever the Aliens show up they are shrouded in bright flickering light and I liked the effect. The alien effects also looked good and I liked the way they moved I thought they were creepy looking.I found this last Alien Abduction story fast moving and very intense! especially toward the end when the kids run for it again. After story 4 we get the end Wrap around story with the two investigators which I liked. I have to say the end wrap around here was much better than the one in the first film.I found this Ending wrap around Creepy also I liked the idea of the end wrap around story,it was a good idea they had but I won't give it away instead just watch the film and see it for yourselves. V/H/S 2 was an okay Film with some interesting stories.
