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Saint John of Las Vegas

Saint John of Las Vegas (2010)

January. 29,2010
| Comedy

An ex-gambler is lured back into the game by a veteran insurance-fraud investigator.


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zif ofoz

enjoyed this short movie - (just under 85 minutes) - because the actors are in full character start to finish. and the strip club scene is a great laugh with the wheelchair bound stripper and buscemi playing her on!once you meet the characters they are consistent and do not vary. malco is so good in his wacky and slightly mean insurance investigator role you have to like him. and buscemi is perfect as the 'forever looser' you just feel sorry for him. and casting dinklage as the insurance company owner was just genius! and silverman is always easy to like.the story is easy to follow until the junk yard scene near the end with the gun shots! at that point with buscemi escaping and calling the cops (watch it) i became confused as to exactly what just took place in the plot line. that is the only reason i am rating it 2 stars short of a 10.if you enjoy indie films pick this one up!


I knew nothing about this movie, but ended up catching it on a movie channel recently. I thoroughly enjoyed it and watched parts over again. It lacked a lot of action and it didn't really have many punchlines, but I found this lack of predictability to be one of the most endearing parts about the movie. While the movie is not at all predictable and often pretty absurd, it does not feel as if the absurdity relies on weird twists or surprises. While the situations feel bizarre, the situations and characters are much closer to reality than most everything else Hollywood puts out. I thought the acting was great, the characters bizarre, and the situations hilarious. Needless to say I found it very compelling and funny, and i did not need any Dante references to appreciate it.


Steve Buscemi is at his best when working with a fast-paced script full of unanswerable one-liners (see 'Delirious'). Unfortunately the script for this film was was not of this ilk, and a Steve Buscemi at half speed is not a funny Steve Buscemi. What were the script writers and/or directors thinking of? Rarely do films with such potential for comedy fall as short as this one has. I watched it until the rolling credits for the main reason of seeing what the unsubtle twist was going to be. There was clearly going to be one and when it arrived it was as surprising as sunrise. In terms of entertainment value it's just about watchable but if you're a Steve Buscemi fan you might be disappointed with this when you quickly conclude that you have seen the man in far better form.


John (Steve Buscemi), a recovering gambler, is sent back to Las Vegas by his employer to research insurance fraud. Along the way he must face junkyard thugs, a crippled stripper and try to maintain a relationship with his less-than-stable girlfriend (Sarah Silverman).This story is somehow based on the writings of Dante Aligheri. I don't see it. I freely admit by knowledge of "Inferno" and "Paradiso" is not on the level it could be, but this had to be a very loose interpretation to say the least. However, regardless of the source material, the finished product is a gem that sadly did not get the full attention it deserved. This should have been a major theatrical release and success rather than a film festival darling.Sure, it has that "independent" feel to it, like a darker "Garden State"... but if people like Wes Anderson can make it big off of the indie film feeling, why not this film? Steve Buscemi has a huge cult following, as does Sarah Silverman. Buscemi was what attracted me to this film -- he has never failed to disappoint me in any of his roles from "Big Lebowski" to "Ghost World" to "Reservoir Dogs". One of the biggest flaws another indie film, "Floundering", made was using Buscemi too little.The directing is tight, the story is tight... the word "tight" is really the way to describe this film. The pace keeps steady, with never a dull moment despite not really being anything close to an action film. John is a perfect everyman inserted into odd situations (did I mention the nudists?) so we can both sympathize with him, yet enjoy that he has quirks we wouldn't, and weaknesses we do not. It is as though watching our best friend on an adventure.If you missed this one on the festival circuit (and let's be frank, most of us do not have the luxury of attending them), please do yourself a favor and rent this film, or perhaps even purchase it. I think it's the kind of film that will have a strong word-of-mouth fan base, and it would be in your best interest to discover it before all your friends have first. So many films slip under the radar... don't let "Saint John of Las Vegas" be one of them.
