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Delta Farce

Delta Farce (2007)

May. 11,2007
| Adventure Action Comedy

Three bumbling Army reservists are hustled onto a plane headed for combat in Iraq -- but the fact that the plane drops them in Mexico doesn't stop them from "liberating" what they believe to be the Middle East.


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Delta Farce is another Larry the Cable Guy comedy in which he plays a down on his luck guy who becomes an Army member along with his two friends. Bill Engvall, who has his own sitcom on TBS, participates in this as well and it all really turns out to be just a weak comedy. The whole plot is kind of dead, but it is kind of funny and does deliver a decent amount of laugh spots. Larry the Cable Guy is the funniest by some of the scenes and Engvall throws in some giggles, but this really isn't worth checking out for a normal comedy fan. There are so many other comedies that have been made that are so much better than this movie.


After reading other peoples comments and seeing the review score i was shocked, i can't believe how low that the score it.I think that this film is awesome, well thought out. Putting three dumb people in the army and sending them to Iraq but ending up in Mexico, while the three dumb people think that they are in Iraq. One of the best films i have seen. I have watched it 1000000 times, and I'm going to watch it now that will make it 1000001.I love the humor the actors and everything about the movie. They couldn't of made it any better. I hope that they make another one like this.I cant see how other people could not of liked it, but i guess that people have their opinions.


Yes, I will place this film on a pedestal so high that movies like The Godfather, Citizen Kane and Gone With The Wind will suffer nosebleeds when gazing upward at it.Larry The Cable Guy's name should be engraved upon every best-actor Oscar given from now until the end of time.DJ Qualls should be the next Terminator should that movie line ever be expanded on. His action sequences were simply breathtaking-a true man amongst men.To list this movie as (only) action/comedy is a travesty as the romance and drama were so genuine that I was forced to reflect upon my life decisions once the final credits rolled.I highly recommend this movie to any and all who are sick of the trash Hollywood has been churning for the past few decades (Titanic, Lord Of The Rings trilogy etc..). Treat yourself today.


I watched this movie and went to bed, trying to remember where I saw the identical ending. Then it came to me- it was Wild Hogs which I watched this summer! OK, I ran all these variables by my husband. First the characters. In Wild Hogs you had 4 guys J. Travolta, Wm. Macy, Tim Allen, and Martin Lawrence. They were all middle class or wealthy (wasn't Travola married to a super model?). They also could afford expensive bikes. In Delta, the main characters were 3 lower middle class, if that. They were in the Reserves probably to make some extra money. If you want to count their active duty sergeant, there were 4 guys. Like WH, DF characters were escaping from their nagging or bothersome wives. Second, they accidentally (or otherwise) destroyed their communication devices. I won't say because that would truly be a spoiler. By doing this (both movies) they could not communicate with the women folks back home. Third, they ended up in a bad town and had to 'rescue' it. They did this through a bunch of bumbling, etc. and goofy stuff. Ray Liotta was the bad guy in WH and Danny Trejo was the bad guy in DF. In both movies one of the guys (Macy and Larry Cable Guy) get the beautiful girl and solve a whole lot of problems. Fouth, there were almost identical 'gay' jokes dealing with sleeping out in the open. The scripts were very very similar, so somebody did a pretty good rip off. I laughed a lot through the movie and I wasn't expecting a top rate movie, but it was funny in parts. Stupid too, but it took my mind off my troubles. Another thing, which was a big purchasing point for my husband, was that he knew I LOVE Danny Trejo and flip out when I see him on screen in anything. Usually he has very tiny parts. But in DF, he has a HUGE role and I screamed every time he was on screen. So shoot me, but I will watch it again just to see Danny! Others mentioned Three Amigos so I will have to go read up on that. I have seen way worse movies that were rated big blockbusters and stunk. At least this was advertised as a comedy and I got some laughs off it.
