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The Kingdom

The Kingdom (2007)

August. 22,2007
| Drama Action Thriller

A team of U.S. government agents is sent to investigate the bombing of an American facility in the Middle East.


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This has all the perks of a good production, acting, etc...But to me the whole movie feels like US propaganda, like an excuse for all the bad it did and still does, but I must admit that the ending gives a good message and offsets that a little bit. It's a bit more than worth watching, but don't expect greatness, especially in realistic storyline..

TheScouseassassin .

I was quite into this movie for the first 50 minutes. OK I found Jamie Foxx a bit hard to believe as a high ranking FBI agent but the subject matter made up for that. As others mentioned I too was distracted by the camera work at times, mainly when it was just two people talking, not so important in the action scenes. And therein lies the rub for me, the final big shoot out. Pure Hollywood yet again, 4 Americans and one Saudi enter the fray...guess who gets killed! Now I'm sure the FBI are well trained but are we really to believe a forensic examiner, an intelligence analyst, a bomb technician and a Special Agent are so adept at counter guerrilla warfare, dodging RPG rounds, thousands of rounds of incoming bullets from above and ground level? All this plus killing every bad guy in the area before storming a building to exact a rescue operation and catch the bad guys...where astonishingly no guards were posted on the staircase or outside the flats where they were holed up! Seriously it was like watching a cross between Rambo and Special Ops on steroids...completely ruined the whole film for me I'm afraid.


I very much enjoyed this thought provoking film. The script offers a clue as to why there is such hostility to the U S A in the middle east. A tense and action packed drama, which goes right to the wire. Having seen a few of these U S versus fanatics of middle eastern origin, in war zones, they seem to have a common problem. The viewing pleasure is undermined by poor sound quality. The issue is so problematic, that if viewers of T V Film packages demanded a sub title option, then something might be done, to offer an improvement. I would have given this film a 9/10 but demanded my money back had i had the listening experience in the cinema, like i had in my home. I am beginning to wonder if there is a cynical ploy of farming out poor quality sound action films, to mugs like us who pay for these packages.


Greetings from Lithuania."The Kingdom" (2007) is by far the best movie Peter Berg has ever made, and i saw all of them. This was definitely one of the best movies of 2007, saw it like 4-5 times now. Its pacing is incredible - the movie opening titles are worth the admission and the opening itself, but we are just getting worm there.Basically "The Kingdom" is a procedural movie with some incredible action scenes in between, as well as ideas about today's war with terrorism and as one of the character puts it - "it will never end, w'll kill them all". The sound design of this movie is incredible and while some of the scenes might play as a bit to cheese, they always have what to show beyond it.Overall, "The Kingdom" is definitely and excellent action thriller set in a very relevant place. Acting is superb by all involved, craftsmanship of the movie is first rate and its just a hell of a ride from start till finish. Great movie.
