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My Girlfriend Is an Agent

My Girlfriend Is an Agent (2009)

April. 04,2009
| Adventure Action Comedy Romance

Ahn Soo-ji and Lee Jae-joon, who are oblivious to each other's real profession as secret agents, are in an ill-fated relationship. Three years later, they accidentally meet targeting the same enemy.


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My Girlfriend Is an Agent is only a very ordinary action movie and doesn't work well as a romance, either. The premise that the two stars are both secret agents who must constantly lie to each other to protect their covers is certainly a good plot device to keep them apart until the final reel, but it also makes us wonder what they see in each other in the first place. If that were all there was to the movie, I would say don't bother watching it.But forget about action, forget about romance, this is a comedy movie first - one of the funniest Korean comedies I've seen. It's a little slow getting started. The introductory scene with Ahn Soo-ji (Kim Ha-Neul) on a jet ski chasing bad guys in a speed boat isn't funny. And I didn't like Lee Jae-joon's (Kang Ji-Hwan) first failed attempt as a field agent either. Foolishly responding aloud to the voice in his earpiece while the bad guys are in the same room is just dumb, not funny.Fortunately it doesn't take long for the comedy to hit its stride, and from then on things really get rolling. All of the characters are earnestly trying to do their best to save the country from a deadly biological agent, but their efforts seem in vain as scene after scene goes awry in the most creatively improbable ways.I see that many of the other reviews compare this movie to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I can see the superficial similarity of characters and plot, but to me this movie has a lot more in common with the Pink Panther movies. There's serious work to be done and the stars are trying as hard as they can, but are only rewarded with one uproariously funny failure after another. For real secret agents that wouldn't be good enough, but for us movie watchers it's more than enough reason to tune in to My Girlfriend Is an Agent.


When I saw the trailer to this I thought it would be some lame comedy with some action and drama thrown in, and not to my surprise I was right. So in another words it's like "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" with less cool action and more of the Korean humor in it, which ain't necessarily a bad thing but most of the humor I didn't find to be that funny as a matter of fact the action portion of this is it's weakest moments. Just about everything about this movie is predictable, but I give it props for being clever time to time although not original. Even for a comedy the character decisions can be awkward at times and doesn't seem to make any sense when a weapon is threatening to kill a lot of innocent civilians, but the agents go off and do goofy stuff. Which I can't really blame, cause there doesn't seem to be another way around it and if there was they needed to change a lot of scenarios around. I also found this comedy to be boring at times despite the actors and actresses doing the best they can with what they have. But overall like I said, I found it to be a bit boring but it was somewhat enjoyable as well.6.8/10


If one should read the premise and have watched the trailer, the film most steeped in its reference comes to mind and that's Hollywood's Mr and Mrs Smith starring the It couple Brangelina. This is sort of a Korean reply to that film, and starring two hot, good looking stars in Kim Ha-Neul and Kang Ji-Hwan, who knows if there could be as much sparks flying in real life as in the reel as well.But tabloid fodder aside, My Girlfriend is an Agent seemed more aligned to True Lies rather than the Smiths, by virtue of the extreme lengths taken in concealing one's true occupation from one's loved one, and that they don't quite get at each other's throats, at least not with intentionally deadly force anyway. Kim Ha-Neul stars as Su-Ji, whose cover is a travel agent with a hard-to-please Japanese clientèle, while in fact she's one of the top clandestine agents Korea has. The introduction's set action sequence establishes that, and throws in the dilemma her occupation being a roadblock to a successful love life with the geek Jae-Jun (Kang Ji-Hwan), who decided that enough is enough, and boards a plane, essentially breaking her heart with an absence and communications silence.Fast forward to three years later, and Su-Ji accidentally bumps into Jae-Jun while in the midst of a mission, and sparks fly, of a different sort. What she and us the audience don't know, is that Jae-Jun is an agent as well, albeit belonging to a different agency, but have the same enemies in their gun-sights. And it is this interplay of a long long romance now returned, and an opportunity for revenge needless to say, while concealing both their respective identities from each other, that lead to natural comedic situations, as well as setting action sequences up for double the whammy given two skilled agents in the field now.It's easy to dismiss this as just another hack on the Hollywood film, but it's easy to identify with the underlying issues that My Girlfriend is an Agent poses. We aren't agents, but it plays on the fact that we have different facades that we put on in different aspects of our life, and sometimes these concerns come clashing with one another, leaving us in a dilemma on what to do, and which decision to take when faced with a fork in the road. Honesty is probably the best policy when it comes to relationships, but sometimes you wonder if a white lie could in fact spare the other some pain, physically or emotionally, and for cases like these super- spies, likely to be more for the physical protection of their loved ones. Not everyone can operate like a James Bond, who's probably the worst secret agent out there with practically a useless cover with such a persona well known.Kim Ha-Neul and Kang Ji-Hwan share some comfortable chemistry whether they're up against each other, or rekindling their feelings. Their television star status should ensure that fans everywhere would hit the cinemas to support their stars in their big screen outing (you should see the response during their whirlwind tour of our city state). While Ha-Neul probably had it easier ramping up the sexiness of her role, Ji-Hwan is no pushover with his endearing, bumbling agent that personally I thought was the more interesting of the two.The English title may sound tacky, but don't let that stop you from enjoying this lightweight, romantic comedy with action sequences that are a throwback similar to what Hong Kong films in the 80s have done.


When I went to the theaters, I was not expecting much from this film. My only thoughts were,"Great... A Korean attempt at Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Boy, was I surprised when I saw this film! First off, I'll review the acting, which I thought was pretty decent throughout. At first, I mistook Kang Ji Hwan's acting as "over-acting". However, I soon realized that was his way of acting comically. After getting used to that, his actions and reactions were simply quirky and cute. I loved his high-pitched screaming. Usually, the foreigners who act in Korean films/dramas are downright awful. I have no idea why; it just is. In Chilgeup Gongmuwon, they were mediocre, which was a HUGE relief because I did not have to cringe whenever they were on screen.Next, the action and plot. The action was probably the worst part of the film. It was not terrible. It just needed some, or maybe, a lot of work. Some of the stunts were too unrealistic and poorly choreographed. (i.e. the jet ski, fencing thing...) The plot maintained a great speed. Like the action, the one turning point of the plot suffered from being a bit questionable. However, do not let these faults turn you off because the comedy makes up for it entirely.Finally, the comedy. The film starts off right away trying to get the audience to laugh. And it succeeds. Some scenes are predictable. Yet, it is still hilarious! My family and I laughed at all the scenes meant to be laughed at. Overall, Chilgeup Gongmuwon is a movie purely for laughs and should be watched lighted-heartedly. It succeeds in the comedy but fails in the action. You will not get any meaning from this film, but it is sure to entertain you until the very end. So if you are lucky enough to have a theater near you playing it, I recommend you go see it.Notes: The subtitles in my theater made me laugh. They used "cuz" instead of "because", which made me think that the translator instant messaged too much or something. Instead of "spicy rice cakes", it was translated to "dumplings", a completely different food. But I guess, it is easier for a non-Korean audience to understand.This film is NOT RATED. However, I would give it a PG13 rating. There was a comedic kissing scene, light action sequences, and some uses of sh*t.7 out of 10
