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Exam (2009)

June. 19,2009
| Thriller Mystery

The final candidates for a highly desirable corporate job are locked together in an exam room and given a test so simple and confusing that tension begins to unravel.


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A room, 8 individuals from different backgrounds, ethnicities and intelligence, what do they have in common? A fixation on being a finalist for a position in a high profile company. What is the question? We travel along with these individuals as they sit in a room with eight tables and chairs and a piece of paper and pencil, sacrifice the piece of paper and your disqualified, talk to the guard or screen and your out, those are the rules. What follows is a deceptive mind game into each person and the question remains the same: WHAT IS THE QUESTION?A complex movie with grit into the psyche of who and what we are, what we do in specific circumstances. Shot entirely in a cinemascope format, and directed the same. A journey unleashes the mind to determine why. I felt the movie was a little slow but the climax at then was twisted, I did have it figured out 20 minutes in though. A solid 6/10


PROS: The ending was hands down, undeniably, no ifs ands or buts the best part of the movie. Everything that a good ending needs, plus some, was seen with EXAM. The ending made everything clear, the ending made me remember the film (even if it wasn't to good), and the ending made the rest of the movie better. If you have ever seen a movie that just takes your breath away, that really takes you and shifts your whole vision of the movie upside down. It just absolutely shook me.CONS: Acting, poor. Believability, horrible. Intensity, nonexistent. I don't even know where to begin. This movie really suffered from many different sections. The whole cast wasn't bad actors, but they weren't good. That's for sure. I felt bad for them, because the script gave so little room for creativity in character development, but they still didn't take ahold of what they did have, which made the film suffer. Each person lacked that extra pop you need to be on screen. This, I felt, hurt the intensity of the film. That would probably be the worst attribute in my opinion. The movie was just simply not scary. I understand that psychological horrors come at intensity in a different way, but this movie just didn't have any period. It just felt very blah.www.chorror.com

Ahmed Abo Elela

I began watching this movie with high expectations as I love these kind of movies with few actors in a closed locations .. The beginning was promising and fast and up to the point .. No time was wasted in preparing for the story .. But as the story proceeded things got screwed .. The development of the events was not interesting at all .. I got bored of the story so quickly ..The way they were trying to discover the nature of the question and the way they tried to disqualify each others were ridiculous and boring .. And the actors were so bad that I couldn't understand where they stood from what is happening .. The way they reacted for extreme things such as the act of homicide was shallow as if they were a group of killers not ordinary people in an interview for a job!! And right before the end of the movie when you think that it can't get worse I was surprised with what considered to be the twist at the end .. Not because of the twist itself of course, but because it made me hate every second I had wasted on watching this movie .. A silly twist that didn't add nothing at the end and demonstrated how miserable the movie was .. I don't recommend that movie at all for anyone, unless you want to know how a trivial story and modest actors can meet to make you hate a category of movies you used to love before ..


this dialogue driven, problem solving, psychological mystery will have you guessing till the end...at that point some of the air is let out of the balloon but just a little. The ending doesn't really leave you with a jaw- dropping revelation, like all the great psychological thriller/mystery movies have. I mean that's kinda "the moment you've all been waiting for" for this type of film that has you dying to know what really is going on here. But i wouldn't say the ending is bad by any means, and The rest of the movie is absolutely riveting. It sucks you right in and you feel genuine emotions for the characters from hate to feeling sympathetic. The entire movie takes place in 1 room but it has as much excitement as a big budget blockbuster
