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Peaceful Warrior

Peaceful Warrior (2006)

March. 30,2006
| Drama

A chance encounter with a stranger changes the life of a college gymnast.


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This movie inspires in more ways and humorous and witty at the same time. I couldn't have enough of Socrates and his pearls of wisdom. Dan's repartee matched the wit of Socrates and it was impressive to listen to their conversation.A must watch movie for those who think life is tough. This is tough. Being Dan.


Alright, so going through the reviews it's painfully obvious someone who created the movie is writing overwhelmingly positive reviews under recently created accounts to bump up the IMDb score... seeing how they all give ten stars, have atrocious grammar, and are all within the same time frame. And, every other review names the movie as it actually is, a disgusting waste.Now, the fake comments easily summarize the movie for what it is; a fake, corporate, pretentious and phoned-in mess. The movie was written as a Hallmark produced pamphlet of inspirational quotes- which really isn't that far from the original source material. Mindless things you've heard a thousand times, like "be yourself!" and "live in the now!". The dialogue is cringe, clichéd and delivered with obnoxious performances. I hate Nick Nolte for this. His stupid, monotone, pretentious lines and delivery; his character, named Socrates, is so infuriatingly on- the-nose with third grade reading level symbolism it's disgusting.Our main man is an Andrew Garfield discount, with a third of the charm or skill. He is written the way evangelical moms or corporate producers think college students are like. He's insufferable, unlikable, and you're frustrated or bored with him.The characters are all cardboard cutouts and fill some stupid, mindless quota of what some dribbling idiot thought a movie about sports and inspirational quotes should be. The story line and pacing alone will make you irritated.The cinematography and set design is so bad, it somehow makes Berkeley and the East Bay look like a stucco and beige paint wasteland. The shots are vague and boring, over-the-shoulder. Everything feels so plastic and fake (which also describes the entire movie). This movie is for idiots who like sports that nobody cares about, and have such completely worthless lives they need to pick up HallMark cards with slogans literally written into this movie.God almighty.


I have seen this movie number of times.... We all live in the world of dreams and sorrows...by forgetting the importance of present. This movie clearly explains that... How one will succeed and what one has to do to live really.The roles played and worked out fantastically on screen. I recommend for everyone to watch this once...Important lines need to remember in present A warrior acts, A fool reacts. Humans are the hardest to love and needed most Journey brings the happiness Not the destination Empty the trash.... Finally, Where are you... Here.... What time is it... Now..... What are you... This moment.... Enjoy the movie...

Irina Manyakina

Every time I had fallen short of my expectations watching the screen versions of the books. A director's vision had failed to convey to the audience a transforming inner experience. I was sorrowfully disappointed with direction of J.Ostin's "Pride and Prejudice",2005, C.Bronte's "Jane Air",2011 ,F.S. Fizgerald's "The Great Gatsby",2013 and lots of others."The way of the peaceful warrior" screened on the ground of D.Millman's book is a pleasant exception from this list. It is one of the most inspiring masterpieces of modern movie-industry. I can confidently assert that this is the rare case when a film widely reflects a book.Way of the Peaceful Warrior is a true story, based on the Dan Millman's autobiographical book. The book shares Dan's journey through university as a world-champion gymnast who has a passion to succeed and make it to the Olympics. On the surface, Dan has it all – he's good looking, popular, gets great grades, has women chasing him, his dad has plenty of money, great physical shape… yet, there's something missing. It isn't until one night Dan wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to take a walk to a nearby gas station that he encounters an old man that he calls Socrates, who begins mentoring him and exposes how deeply unhappy Dan is. The story essentially chronicles Dan's story through life to evolve himself into a Peaceful Warrior, with all the powerful lessons that he's learning from Socrates.The movie is dripped with the inspiring scenes and deep quotations that everyone can relate to in some way. The biggest thing that hooked me was "Life brought rewards, but no lasting peace or satisfaction." Dan, like many of us, have been conditioned to believe that "When I achieve X-Y-Z, then I will be happy." And while most of us intellectually know that's not true, we still pursue goals believing it will give us that fulfillment. The lesson here is simple: nothing in your outer world will ever make you happy or fulfilled. Happiness can only come from the inside. When you truly come to this realization and stop deluding yourself, you can gain that sense of peace and satisfaction within.I highly recommend to watch this movie.Everybody will find and learn a suitable lesson and reconsider some views on life.
