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What We Become

What We Become (2015)

September. 29,2015
| Horror Thriller

A family of four is quarantined in their home as a virulent strand of the flu spreads into town and they are forced to the extreme to escape alive.


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David Martin

Yes, the movie starts well, but then the dumb teenager sets the zombie loose in the neighborhood and it all becomes wildly stupid. I can't recommend anyone to watch such a ridiculous movie !

Artur Machado

Sorgenfri is a suburb in Denmark where its inhabitants live a quiet existence until the day a highly contagious and deadly virus begins to spread and the army is called to intervene by imposing a quarantine throughout the area. The inhabitants are forbidden to leave their homes under threat of death. It is then that (as in almost every zombie movie) a stupid teenager makes a stupid decision that ends up being the beginning of the end, freeing the infected and starting the epidemic on a large scale.This film does not bring anything new to the genre, but it is very well filmed and edited, the actors are credible and has an atmosphere that really causes tension in the spectator. 5/10


I was so surprised by this movie. The deep ambiance is slowly built up and really turns into anxiety. Some delightful scare-jumps. Loved the music and the sound effects. There is enough shown, which I like. It's not a full-blood-gore kind of movie; you don't see everything, which I think helps to create a freaky ambiance and the feeling that you are with the family. Very smartly developed and amazingly realistic. I've never seen characters evolve so much in a zombie movie. (And the little cherry on the cake for my personal taste, it's all in danish! Sounds great to me) Huge crush!! Highly recommend it <3


Don't you get tired of the stereotypes in zombie movies: You can almost immediately tell who's the hero, the main characters take stupid decisions in turn like wandering off, at the end of it it's just a series of slaughters, uh oh another scary zombie?This one escapes those stereotypes.There are no classical heroes. Everyone makes mistakes, are idiots, turn out cowards, or die by "realistic" factors like simply being outnumbered.The main characters generally stay almost calm and don't just wander off one by one. The one exception to do it in panic makes it back alive. The irrational choices are mostly made out of love for family members.It's never just "a series of slaughters", as most kills are entirely unseen, those who are are mostly slightly out of the camera or audible only etc.And best of all, it's not really the zombies that are the antagonists for the better part of the movie. It's the heavily armed and cynical welfare society! Civilians get quarantined and told almost nothing. Those who do not stay inside get shot. With one exception, there are no zombies in the movie for quite some time.Liked it a lot.
