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Overboard (1987)

December. 16,1987
| Comedy Romance

Heiress Joanna Stayton hires carpenter Dean Proffitt to build a closet on her yacht—and refuses to pay him for the project when it's done. But after Joanna accidentally falls overboard and loses her memory, Dean sees an opportunity to get even.


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This is a good "revenge" comedy where snobbish rich lady Goldie Hawn treats carpenter Kurt Russell like dirt after he doesn't do a job right-in fact, she pretty much treats everyone that way. After she falls off her yacht and gets amnesia, he finds her and gets revenge by reinventing her as his "wife." Hilarity ensues, as does formula. This is funny and enjoyable and a good showcase for the stars. I really liked it. The opening scenes on the yacht were my favorites, like with Hawn's disapproval over the cabinets Russell had built and the scene with the caviar. I also liked the hospital scenes. You will like it too.*** out of ****

Jack Vasen

This movie doesn't take itself seriously, so how do you describe it in the usual terms of plot, acting, and direction. The plot is predictable and ridiculous but it's still great. The acting? Looks like they had a great time doing it and it was fun to watch so who cares. The movie turned out great so the directing was fine.It's a cute love story with the usual 1) they hate each other, 2) they fall in love, 3) something breaks them up, and 4) well you know how that goes.Goldie Hawn is adorable. I thought she overplayed the rich witch a little, but then that was how all the rich people were played. Kurt Russell is fine, but besides Hawn, the stars were the kids.I loved the last line of the movie.


The Taming of the Shrew. How many productions have copied that Shakespeare's story? Well, Shakespeare's story did for one, as this plot had already been in existence before he got his hands on it, probably for a long long time. It is the story of a woman who is a b*tch at first, gets rough-handled by a man, which turns her into a good girl, which allows her and the man fall in love with each other in the process.This would probably be torn limb from limb by feminists today and they would have some point, as the plot does sound a bit abusive and Stockholm-syndromy. In fact, Overboard's story is a particularly edgy rendition of that plot because, even though an accident leads Goldie Hawn's character to fall overboard and lose her memory, the man in question acquires control over her through illicit ways.So if the story was already a bit cliché, on top of it, the movie has a standard romantic comedy structure to it with a liar-reveal bit at the end, when Kurt's actions are brought to light and the woman has to listen to a sad music soundtrack for a little bit to figure out that she forgives him. This is not a spoiler by the way. Unless, you have lived under a rock since birth, you know how it ends. It cannot possibly come as a surprise.With all that considered, this film is all the more praiseworthy for taking a worn-out formula and making it so shiny and fun. This movie is genuinely funny and smart, with good comedic timing. Despite its story, it does not come off as offensive, a bit sappy perhaps, but still cute.It is one of Kurt Russel's best performances and his character's many kids are adorable rather than annoying as many movie kids can be.The camera work is alright, though there is no reason for the cameraman to do anything spectacular or notable since this is a down-to-earth film centered on characters.In short, the movie's main flaw is that it is simple and unoriginal. Nonetheless, it is definitely recommended if you just want a heartwarming comedy.


I have to admit I have watched this movie many times and there are some funny things in it. Seeing Goldie Hawn is always a good thing. I do not think that I can support this movie anymore. A guy takes advantage of a woman that has lost her memory? Basically puts her through hell as a slave. Then falls for her and decides to have sex with her? Isn't that highly illegal? Shouldn't he be on a registry somewhere for this? Instead he gets the Coast Guard to help him and gets the girl. The girl is transformed through rape. I have to say I cannot watch this ever again. Still give it a 2 for the couple of funny things in it, but again this is a poorly thought out premise. Even though I understand that 1987 was a different time (that was the year of the release of the movie). I am sure people will read this and go, come on it is a movie. Think about it though.
