Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005)
After her triumph at the Miss United States pageant, FBI agent Gracie Hart becomes an overnight sensation -- and the new "face of the FBI". But it's time to spring into action again when the pageant's winner, Cheryl, and emcee, Stan, are abducted.
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I like Sandra Bullock. She can be really funny, and very charming in feel-good movies. Miss Congeniality was a guilty pleasure for me, and quite enjoyable, so I definitely wanted to watch this follow-up. Thank gosh I didn't go to the cinema, as I would have had a heart attack if I had paid for it. There are many reasons why this film was bound to disaster-land: 1- There are inconsistencies in the psychology of the main character. I mean, if you have seen the first movie, Detective Hart (Bullock) is like another person in her psyche and her being in this film. 2-Part of the success of the previous movie was the whole cast, the ensemble, bust most them are gone in this second part except for Shartner as Fields and Burns as Cheryl. 3- There is no compatibility or connection between Bullock and Regina King on camera, and since the story is so heavily focused on their relationship, well, this doesn't contribute to more laughs. 4- The movie tries too hard to make you laugh, so hard, that one gets a bit stiff. I found that some of the scenes might have been really hilarious if the right actors had been chosen for the film, or the right mood among the cast had existed. But it did not. Some of the actors do a great job in the film, it is a matter that they are not the ones carrying the weight of it.Sadly, the funniest thing to me were the credits with the bloopers of the actors in the film. I found those quite good.
It's average. But a nice cast, considering the mediocre script. Quite a few giggles here and there. But the absolute highlight of this movie is the Dolly Parton running gag!!! I mean, Ms Parton is The Queen of Country, but nevertheless, she agrees to hilarious ....scenes.So happen in Joyful Noise, too!! I couldn't believe my eyes when Queen Latifah did THAT to Dolly!!! ;D Go check yourself if you are a fan of Dolly's.Anyways, LOL to Sandra Bullock's character and her fingers! ;) This really is a cracker and never gets old!Cheers for that, Ms Parton!
I love Sandra Bullock and I am a fan of Diedrich Bader, but this was one of the worst movies I have ever sat through in my entire life. A fine cast wretchedly served by whoever was responsible for extruding this cowpat of a film. The drop-off from Caddyshack to Caddyshack II is known as the industry standard for Sequel Wretchedness, but in my book, the falloff from the wonderful "Miss Congeniality" to this...thing... is even steeper. There is really nothing else to say about this film, but reviews here require ten lines, and that was only four, so I will recapitulate my opinion: this film is so utterly devoid of worth that the best performance was probably Miss Congeniality star Benjamin Bratt's inaudible phoned-in breakup with Sandra Bullock's character. Certainly Bratt's judgment in sitting this one out is superior to that of any other person associated with this unmentionable excrescence, this waste of perfectly good celluloid, this quintessence of crap. I could be bound in a nutshell watching Plan 9 from Outer Space and count myself king of infinite, well, Outer Space, in comparison to sitting in my comfy bouncy American triple-butt-wide Monster Megaplex seat with the photons emitted from this scientific experiment in boresomeness optimization eye-raping me and my innocent confreres. Do I convey my point? Do you get the gist? This is a bad movie. There. That must be ten lines.
The first Miss Congeniality was dreadful, (i gave it 2 out of 10). This...made 5 years after the first is about 20 times worse. If there was a funny line in there, I missed it. Miss Con "one" made a lot of money...because of the pulling power of Sandra Bullock. So, Miss Bullock had some free time, produced this , virtually knowing here huge fan base would pull this through. It worked, this really terrible film did make money. Not as much as the first piece of trash, but a tidy sum nevertheless. The most amazing fact about Bullock is...she is not funny. It is that "girl next door look she has" that makes the fans go ga ga. She doesn't act at all in this sequel. She plays...the girl next door. I did not want to see this---but i lost a bet---and this was my punishment. (I still get night-mares about it).