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MouseHunt (1997)

December. 19,1997
| Comedy Family

Down-on-their luck brothers, Lars and Ernie Smuntz, aren't happy with the crumbling old mansion they inherit... until they discover the estate is worth millions. Before they can cash in, they have to rid the house of its single, stubborn occupant—a tiny and tenacious mouse.


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This movie is so funny. Nathan Lane and Lee Evans are the sons of a man that died that owned a string factory.Right in the beginning the fun starts. The brothers argue about the color of Lee/Lars Smuntz's funeral clothes. As they walk down the stairs of the church the handle breaks off the casket, their father's body goes flying out of the casket, into the air and down a open manhole in the street.The characters are all funny. The animation is amazing. Nathan/Ernie Smuntz has a restaurant and serves dinner to the Mayor who is very fat who is with his family. His daughters see a cockroach without a head running across the table. The Mayor realizes he has eaten the head. He falls back in the chair and passes out. The movement of this giant roach running on the table is so hysterical. The sons inherit a house from their father who was kind of weird. No one lives in the house and when the men go there they find a mouse who is like the owner of the house. He crawls in all the spaces and takes what he wants and just takes over and causes problems for the sons. The animation of what the mouse does and what they do to catch it is so funny.The sons end up hiring a man to trap the mouse. The exterminator is played by Christopher Walkens. He is really good in this movie. He has his own equipment and is experienced. He talks loud so the mouse will hear what he has to say because he believes the mouse understands him from his experience and he is trying to fool it. More laughter.The mouse is smarter than everyone this is a great funny movie to see.

Raul Faust

Well, in the beginning of this year a rat decided to inhabit my house, even thought there was no invitation for him. We spent almost two weeks trying to catch the little rodent, and boy, it wasn't easy. I told this to a close friend, which told me right away: "there's a movie with such subject, go look for it". So, I easily found "Mousehunt" and yesterday decided to give it a chance. The story convinces the spectator for a particular reason: it defines the characters very well. There is a big contrast between the brothers. Ernie is the ambitious member of the family, whilst Lars is the innocent guy who gives more importance to feelings than money or superficial things-- which reminded me of Paul Metzler from 1999's "Election". The main plot is very obvious: a diabolic rat that destroys everything in order to keep alive. The film admits its cheesiness from the get go, so you might expect it to continue that way-- and it does. In fact, there are lots of cheesy scenes, but only some of them achieve on being funny. I had about three laughs I guess. Therefore, this is the kind of movie to watch with your brains off, otherwise you'll just feel cheated by the corny situations. This is a good time passer anyways, even if without much content.


It's been many years since I saw this film but I remember at the time (I would have been about 8 or 9 years old) I laughed and laughed. And that's exactly what this movie is supposed to do: make kids laugh. And if their parents get anything out of it that's a nice bonus. So everyone here who's critiquing it as if they were expecting an intelligent grown-up comedy (reviews whining about it being "crude" or even "too dirty" - seriously?) have only themselves to blame and should probably have a bit of a think about what they're doing knocking a funny, innocent kids movie for using slapstick and being a tad predictable (that's what's great about being young: clichés are often still new and so execution is more important than novelty). If you are a child or have one, this movie will not disappoint.


I saw this movie as a child and the dark humor was awful for any kid. yes, a agree with the not parts were good. the thing that most got me was SHOWING THE CAT PUT TO SLEEP! I mean WTF why did they have to show that. that dis not fit the whole family friendly idea they were going for. Man that made me some mad as a kid. I know it happens but its not humor. This reminds me of sucker-punch and the whole ideal of lobotomy as good idea for entertainment.i mean what were they thinking in both films? where they like oh, that's fine leave it in it makes great since. The killing the cat or animal in many films makes me sick. If the animal has rabies then i can understand unless there is a cure. I hate the scene in The Boondock Saints were they shoot the cat an were like oh, crap. I mean that had not meaning or story development at all so why did they leave it in? Its not go humor and its just bad taste.
