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Astral City: A Spiritual Journey

Astral City: A Spiritual Journey (2010)

September. 03,2010
| Drama

The selfish Dr. André Luiz dies and awakes in the limbo called "Umbral". After a painful period in the gruesome swamp, he is rescued and brought in a white light to "Nosso Lar" (meaning "Our Home"). He finds a place of harmony, where people live in peace awaiting


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Bruno Raphael

When he opened his eyes André Luiz (Renato Prieto) knows that he is no longer alive, despite still feeling thirsty and hungry. Around him he sees only darkness and a desert plain, characterized by shouting and beings who live in the shadow. After going through too much suffering in purgatory (which is called Umbral), André is taken to the city of Nosso Lar. There he has access to new lessons and knowledge, while learning what life is like in another dimension. Nosso Lar is not heaven, it is like a hospital, a school, a transit area. It is an incredible world full of life and activities going on all the time, organised in an exemplary way by the Spirits. Allowing us to foresee the Spiritual World that awaits us.

Barbara Whitfield

I had two near-death experiences and went on to do research on the NDE. I have written several books on it too. I think this film does an excellent job of explaining what is really unexplainable. The only thing I didn't like was the name! It's so much better than "Astral" or maybe "astral" has been over done by the new age genre. The acting was good and I didn't even mind needing to read sub-titles after awhile.Really worth the watch. I'm even going to look up the books to see if they have been translated into English. Just so clever, I will be thinking about it for a long time.


This is an excellent movie, based on the true-story novel, by the same title, written, by the spirit, Andre Luiz, through the Brazilian medium, Francisco Candido Xavier. Andre Luiz is considered, among Spiritists, as a beloved "reporter" from the spirit realm, due to the wealth of knowledge he has brought us about life if the spirit realm and the interactions between the material and spiritual worlds. "Nosso Lar" was the first book in a fascinating series of enlightening and inspirational novels from Andre Luiz. You would be surprised and intrigued by the treasures in each of them! If you like this movie, or if you even would just like more information about Spiritism, you can check out: http://www.ExploreSpiritism.com (also find "Explore Spiritism" on Facebook!) This is a really nice video about the medium, also known as "Chico Xavier": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txa_gBNkvdU


Impressed with the first exceptional visual effects movie ever produced in Brazil (post production was in Canada). Most impressed with the records this movie is breaking: 1) Most seen movie ever in the first weekend after its launch; 2) Surely will be the most seen movie in all Brazilian History; 3) Most expensive one to produce;It is loyal to the book (I've read 4 times), and it was made thinking on all audiences, not only the spiritists one. Interesting how children behave watching it. I noted my daughters were asking me things about moral, life after life, clothes worn by spirits, food on the spiritual world and so on. With some time watching the movie, I realized many other parents were having the same situation (explain children about life after life). For those who don't believe any life after life (death), maybe this movie isn't going to be any enjoyable. For all others, I recommend!
