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Priceless (2016)

October. 14,2016
| Drama Crime Romance

James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge mistake and has inadvertently become involved in a dangerous human trafficking ring. The unlikely hero risks it all to shut down the trafficking ring and save the woman he is falling in love with.


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Such a good movie. Such a good story about keeping your faith.


Priceless reminded me of the film Courageous that appeared free in theatres, sponsored by religious groups I think. Priceless centers around human trafficking of women sold into the sex trade, treated like they are worthless. But as the film so eloquently describes, each one of these women is priceless.The Smallbone family directs and stars in this low-budget film and delivers a high-value film. James (Joel smallbone) is down and out, having lost basically everything. He gets a chance to make some quick money by driving a cargo truck with no questions asked. He eventually learns his cargo is human, and then he's faced with the choice of saving himself, walking away, saving these young women. At times, you wish he'd just walk away, the odds being so stacked against him.He meets up with a mysterious hotel owner who befriends him and eventually gives him positive guidance about what doing the right thing really means.The acting is a bit uneven but decent. The story has some moments that are kind of slow. And of course, you eventually get hit over the head with the religious overtones of this kind of movie. Still, the main theme of being a good person, of doing the right thing when push comes to shove, should resonate with you as a human being.Priceless is uplifting, if not perfect. It's an enjoyable film worth your time. Enjoy.

Khara Tina Hamilton

The only thing Priceless about this movie was my time wasted in watching it. The movie started out OK, as the main character had to deal with his own personal issues. The movie started to fail when the main character made a discovery whereby the obvious was... well, obvious. Unfortunately, at that time in the movie, the focus became more a message about "having faith, and believe". This message kept popping up throughout the movie, yet it often seemed out of context with the issues at hand. I particularly disliked how the movie made it appear that these and the other women (victims) made a choice to be in this situation. This movie failed in a big way in not addressing the severity and tragedy of this issue. The main characters decision were lame when it came how he was going to deal with this problem. This is such a big issue and I would hope any right thinking human being would report to authorities who would actually deal with the problem. Acting was mediocre. Plot was weak. Theme could have been good, but failed in getting the real message out about the issue. I've tried really hard to not make any significant spoilers for this movie, but at this point I just have to say it, so if you've read this review up to this point and still want to see the movie, please don't read the following. Human trafficking is an issue that must be taken seriously. This movie cared more about it's message of "God has a plan" and you're on a journey while God watches over you - is pure BS. The movie is one big fail.


Warning: topics covered below are of a violent nature & may be triggering.Synopsis: widower who loses custody of his daughter" (through violent drunken behaviour & self-absorbed grief) takes on new job: drive a truck across the country, no questions asked. But when he discovers what he is delivering (a very attractive young woman & her little sister) "he is faced with a life-changing choice.The two young Mexican sisters enter the US illegally to pay off their father's debts. Expecting to work in waitressing type jobs they actually find out they've been sold to a prostitution ring. What you need to know is that the movie is advertised as Human Trafficking awareness & as a Christian film. Both statements are wrong. Below are just some of the major problems of "Priceless".1) It's all about... him. Poor him faced with choices, poor him needs to save the day, oh how he suffers, and seemingly thinks there isn't much urgency, (or any authorities in the whole USA whatsoever to turn to!), while the sisters go through hell every extra hour he wastes... He also perfectly fits all the stereotypical categories of what a hero supposedly should look like: young, healthy, good looking, white, male, & American.2) Women characters are emotionless & passive - even after sequestration, rape, & forced prostitution. "Heroine" even blames male protagonist for not stopping her getting into the pimp's van, even though she entered it willingly & knowingly. She does however stick up for her teen sister, but has no other substance to her character. The helpless damsel in distress.3) Only his crush is worth his effort saving - several times the "hero" tries convincing her to abandon her little sister & is frustrated at her refusal!!? And the other women in need of rescue aren't a concern to him at all... 4) Major suspension of disbelief is a requirement for the viewing of this movie. For example: irresponsible father regains custody of his child the same year he punches & threatens someone with a gun to their head... in a packed kids' parkanother man is murdered but somehow manages to change his will from beyond the grave, to leave some land to a yet-to-be invented association at time of his death5) Women, once "used", then as good as dead - as is eloquently explained to Mr. Rapist Pimp: "You are a murderer. There's no difference between a murderer and someone who steals a girl's innocence and kills her soul." Because apparently to the writers of "Priceless" female rape survivors have no more soul...!! Both unBiblical and harmful.6) Heroes & villains live by one same law: that violence is the key & fists are the tool.7) Care about women, do you? Just not enough to employ them though, right? Men are given credit 26 times (!!!) before a single woman's name rolls by in the credits!8) At 1:35:00 we finally get the movie's message: human trafficking awareness... by promoting its OWN website, which in turn then promotes various intervention-capable associations & emergency phone numbers. Why was any of this directly inserted into the movie storyline and/or at the end, for viewers to take note of? So what was the point of the movie... 9) Why would the movie's website recommend for ex-sex workers to join an addiction recovery program. Seriously. How more ineducated and insulting can you get?10) Under the website's "Give" section is written: "One of the best ways to prevent the trafficking and exploitation of children is through eradicating one of the root causes of the issue, poverty". Except NO. That's blaming the victim. The N°1 cause of trafficking? Men's greed & lust. Invest in educating male populations too!11) The "Representation Test" by the "Miss Representation" Team result, as of now, for this movie: F.As a woman, a Christian, and a human being, I am disappointed at the lost opportunity, and shocked, saddened, and disgusted at this men-centric vision of life. "Priceless" is a feel- good movie for men, by men, about men.
