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Staying Alive

Staying Alive (1983)

July. 11,1983
| Drama Music

It's five years later and Tony Manero's Saturday Night Fever is still burning. Now he's strutting toward his biggest challenger yet - making it as a dancer on the Broadway stage.


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The problem with audiences and critics is that they often hope a sequel will live up to its predecessor. This is certainly not to be expected in this film. The acting was definitely not good but tolerable most of the times and the story is pretty much straight forward; a young man who wants to make a living in Broadway. The dancing was absolutely fine and at times it's extraordinary to think Travolta had those fantastic dancing skills, it's simply great. The actor playing the director was most convincing in his role otherwise the rest of the actors were bland. I have seen this film several times and often because of the soundtrack which features mainly Bee Gees and Stallone's brother. After all, a few of the songs were nominated for well-known awards so that should add credits to this film. I'll recommend watching for the dancing, Travolta moves and most certainly the songs. Otherwise not related much to Saturday night fever.


One of my all time favourites. I have watched it many times now It just gets better with every viewing. I can so see myself in John Travolta and his challenges with women, life and his career challenges. Totally a must see. Love it!!


The inability to be beaten, is the ability to beat. Beating is winning. Winning is gaining. Gaining is evolution.The ability of evolution is the inability of no evolution. The inability of no evolution is the inability of no change. The inability of no change is the inability of sameness.Sameness is reality.The inability of reality is the ability of no reality.No reality is absence. The ability of absence is the power of absence.The power of absence isn't power, or absence. The power of absence is the weakness of presence.A weak presence is a weak style. A weak style is a strong lack of style.A lack of style is freedom. A strong freedom is a strong eternity. A strong eternity is a weak time.Time is history.A weak history is a strong lack of history.The lack of history is the lack of perspective. The lack of perspective is the lack of judgement. A strong lack of judgement is a strong lack of criticism.The lack of criticism is the ability to help.The ability to help is not help, and is not an ability. The ability to help is the inability to undermine.The inability to undermine is the inability to hurt.A strong inability to hurt is a weak ability to help.The ability to help is the absence of help. The absence of help is the help of absence.A weak help of absence is a strong hurt of presence.A strong hurt is a strong weakness. A strong weakness is an insincere weakness.An insincere weakness is a sincere strength.Staying Alive is a very special work of art, because it's a story about the presence of living forces being a sincere power

Jade McPherson

Absolutely brilliant film! In my opinion it is better than its prequel, Saturday Night Fever. John Travolta, Cynthia Rhodes and Finola Hughes are stunning dancers. It gives viewers a look behind the scenes of a musical. It is wonderfully intense and passionate. There is also a sense of satisfaction seeing Tony, the Brooklyn boy, make it to Broadway and still be the same strutting man. Overall, really brilliant film but nothing like its prequel, so don't watch it expecting more of the same, it gives a completely different taste and flavour. Very fun movie, well worth a watch.
