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Gun Woman

Gun Woman (2014)

February. 28,2014
| Action Thriller

A brilliant doctor on a quest for revenge buys a young woman and trains her to be the ultimate assassin, implanting gun parts in her body that she must later assemble and use to kill her target before she bleeds to death.


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Michael Ledo

A hitman and his driver retell a story about "Gun Woman." A rich sick individual (Noriaki Kamata), who would rape and kill women (not necessarily in that order) kills the wife of a doctor and cripples the doctor (Kairi Narita). In order to obtain revenge, the doctor buys and trains a meth head to do his killing. That is Asami , the title character.The film has slightly more depth and a minor end twist, but that is basically the film. Toss in some blood, killing, and rape and you have a mediocre Japanese grindhouse.Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, rape, full frontal nudity.


Well, I was pretty bored, looking deeply a good horror movie to watch and I found a web page about that movie. I said to myself "What the heck, I like strong woman woman, so I'll give a try. And the poster is cool".I wasn't prepare to watch such a good movie. If you liked "Female Convict 701", that great director Kurando Mitsutake pay a great tribute to pink violence movies.Everything, in this movie is well done. The plot is simple but very well written and narrated. Actions scenes are nice and character are nicely described.In a few words : "Here is a nice old fashion Japanese revenge movie".Warning : Some will consider the picture quality as "cheap", so if you want to watch this movie, open your minds to independent low budget movies. If you like blockbusters and tremendous special effects, that movie is not for you. You've been warned :) That movie is like a raw and rare jewel, take care.


I'm gonna have to spoil the plot a little in order to describe just how stupid this movie really is...Started out decent, with good music which sounded like a lo-fi version of the DRIVE soundtrack but then oh goodness... Just think about the plot for once and tell me it's not awful... A psychokiller who kills people very often, is also a necrophiliac BUT instead of having necro-sex his victims he has to go to a secret necrophilia club to sex corpses thereThen you have a guy who wants to kill mr psycho, and the best idea he can come up with is to snatch up a prostitute junkie, take her hostage and train her into a killing machine so that she can do the killing for him And how is she supposed to do the killing? By pretending to be a corpse of course at the necro-club But to kill someone one has to have a weapon right? So instead of putting up a small gun so called mouse gun or pocket-gun that could easily fit her vagina, he thinks it's wiser to take a big gun and take it apart and cut her up and shove the parts in there instead so she halfways bleeds to death before even getting close to the person she's gonna kill...Only recommended if naked women covered in blood is your cup of tea and you don't care about a plot making any senseBut even then I'd recommend SUSHI GIRL instead which wasn't that good either but manages to look like a masterpiece in comparison with this horse turd

Franco Biroccesi

(This review doesn't summarize plot it is not what it is aimed at)The movie doesn't feel like a 2014 movie but rather more of an early 2000's or late 90's. The way the camera is used specially gives that feeling, the image just doesn't have that crisp quality and some shots are a bit pointless. The sound was bad at intervals, switching from scene to scene sometimes it was fine and sometimes it felt like it was recorded on a phone. Soundtrack further gives it that feeling out an old movie. Acting was average most times dialogue felt very stiff and with little to no presence this mainly applies to the side characters. Main characters were better acted specially "Gun Woman" she did a respectable job for the role. As to the movie, its a bit all over the place its build up its going to be a little slow for some people, fight scenes are not 'that' great but perhaps take a more real approach that others movies exaggerate by adding over the top stunts and moves (so basically don't expect fight scenes like "The raid redemption" type). As to the goriness of the movie, yes there is a certain degree of it mixed in with a fair amount of nudity so if this is something which bothers you, maybe move onto another movie. The movie gets more exiting after the first half but you will feel there is not enough character development for everyone except for 'Gun Woman' which we get told a little bit of her life but otherwise the detail provided feels minimal and you won't find yourself too attached to the characters.Overall camera work is old fashioned, sound is average, characters are average, acting is on the low side on most characters and story itself is not bad just wished there was more depth to it. So I think a 5/10 is a good score for this movie though i struggle at times to keep myself from watching something else i still found parts of it entertaining.
