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My Sassy Girl

My Sassy Girl (2001)

July. 27,2001
| Drama Comedy Romance

A dweeby, mild-mannered man comes to the aid of a drunk young woman on a subway platform. Little does he know how much trouble he’s in for.


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Absolutely beautiful movie that is a hands down must watch!Don't let the first five min deter you. This is charming, funny, yet actually deep movies. It explores grief, sympathy, love, understanding, how to be a friend, and helping those in need. It playfully reminds you about your youth, growing up, dealing with pain and sorrow and many other strong motifs. I found it rather profound for a rom com. Korean scripting and acting is just top notch in this, and the sound track is equally as powerful. I burst out laughing many times, cried a few, and enjoyed nearly ever min of this fabulous K-drama/romcom. a must watch

Ethan Davies

Up till the end of this Movie, I was really asking myself what is the hype around this movie? Because serious, the guy is (a little) annoyingly a push over. And the girl is just mean. But the final part of the movie is so amazing. I might have been stupid and not seen it coming, but the way the narrative is structured, the writer made a big effort to have people not see it coming. The ending really made the movie so amazing and I think that is such a hard feat. But they did it. Watch this movie to the end. It make the whole thing amazing. Also thinking back the characters are also amazing. They add to the story so well.


This is my third time watching this movie and I finally decided to write a review.This is one such movie that you can go for when your mood is down and you want to watch a feel good movie. RomCom at its best. The lead actress Jun Ji-hyun does a fabulous job in portraying "The Girl". Cha Tae-hyun is funny and fits smoothly in his character. Even after so many years this movie remains one of the highest grosser movie of all time in Korea.I must say Koreans are too damn good when it comes to depicting emotions. P.S : For those who don't know Windstruck is like a prequel to this movie with the same actress in lead. The final scene in Windstruck kind of joins both the movie.


My Sassy Girl is an adorable film. The two main characters are quite lovable, especially the male lead. At first, I disliked the woman. I thought she was mean and unreasonable, but that was before I got to know her better - as cheesy as that sounds. Her character development is extraordinary, too.The film is very sweet and happy - and there's nothing wrong with that! I myself am not too huge a fan of rom-coms, especially after the line up of crappy rom-coms after their golden age in the '90s. However, I quite liked this film. It made my day a lot better, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I felt like tearing up in a few scenes of the movie. Well, maybe I am a little bit.
