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Frequencies (2013)

July. 24,2013
| Science Fiction Mystery Romance

The story of the forbidden relationship between a 'low born' boy and a 'high born' girl in an alternate reality where every person's relationships and life worth are determined by their innate 'frequencies'.


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This is one of the most original films I've seen. It clearly wasn't made with a huge amount of money, but the cinematography and production values are perfectly fine.The acting and editing are also convincing, but the real star is the script and the story it carries.The film is somewhat reminiscent of the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, at least in its realist treatment of science fiction.At its heart its about determinism vs free will and how that metaphysical conundrum accounts for love. Which sounds like it could be an ordeal to watch, but it isn't, instead it's interesting and enjoyable, and I think it deserves to be seen.

Gyx The one n only

I only handed out a handful of "10's". This movie truly deserves it! Don't be scared by "romance" in the description if you don't like that in a movie. Although it's the red-thread, it's the mystery and science-fiction that is the main theme. The movie starts with some concepts while introducing the main characters as children. Some might be pushed away from the movie here because of the complexity of the concepts. But if you like mystery, philosophy and science and use your brain during a movie while being entertained: this is the best movie of the decade. I really can't think of any movie even coming close to such a brilliant and original one. Maybe "cube" ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123755/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 ). But that's more of a thriller and completely different. Please watch this movie, you will remember it for the rest of your life.

Ruca Ashraf

FrequenciesOXV: The ManualDirected and written by: Darren Paul FisherStars: Daniel Fraser, Eleanor Wyld, Owen Pugh, Dylan Llewellyn, Georgina MinterBrown, Tom England.The idea of predicting the future of a child based on testing their frequency which shows how lucky they will be is a futuristic element to the archaic innate need for romance. Marie's (Eleanor Wylde) frequency is superbly high making her more lucky and more perfect almost like a robot her intelligence rules over her emotions whereas Zak is the polar opposite therefore it is dangerous for Zak to be near hear because like opposing magnets they cause the universe to react to show them they should not be together.At school they are given scientific names Marie is known as Marie-Curie while Zak is known as Isaac Newton then Theo is Nikola Tesla because he figures the true meaning of the Nikola Tesla quote they were taught at school.That quote is "knowledge determines destiny", which is a major life lesson to anyone really.This does not stop Zak (Daniel Fraser) from achieving his dreams of turning his luck around and going against nature he strives to find a solution with the help of his friend Theo.Theo's short disappearance when Zak wanted Theo to get approval and give credit of the patented frequency invention. Then Theo arguing with his father about music versus science is a vague issue and probably is a huge discussion about more because him seeming like he is going far away and will not see his dad for a while adds to the mystery and mystique of this movie.This British gem of a movie is excellent, elegant and eloquent. A scientific yet philosophical romance movie shown in terms of an experiment which is an intelligent take on how real life is like particularly romance. It represents how romance and sex has become desensitized and sometimes love hits like a brick and the pain is unbearable. It is just an emotional roller coaster as true love tends to be. This movie is similar to 'Just My Luck'. But Frequencies or otherwise known as OXV: The Manual is more sentimental, sensual and sophisticated.The length and depth the characters go to for love despite their friends and family telling them otherwise is really romantic. Then Marie questions how he is safe when he is with her so she finds out that he can control nature through his phone showing words that stabilize nature for him to say. Yet Marie finds out that Zak can control frequency to the point of convincing people to do anything . That frightens her on the truth of their relationship.As we worry about relationship but cannot pin point anything to blame or truly question internally or externally. She wonders if he convinced her through raising his frequency levels and enforcing his power over her makes her feel used even when he assures her that is not the case. Only to find that Beethoven's music stabilizes everyone's frequency to a neutral level that makes no one have a higher frequency than another therefore no one could control anyone. When she finds her feelings for him are still the same it is happy ending indeed.


...Captivated me from the roll of the apple; and kept me to the end.Some hyperbole and some guff on these reviews - a '1' being spectacularly unwarranted (Witness that particular reviewers '10s'...Big Hero 6, Batman etc) This is 'one of those' - a delightful multi-faceted gem that should be enjoyed.Christians review "Most Intelligent Philosophical Sci-Fi I Have Seen This Millennium" says it all, so I'm not repeating it ;)Of particular note is the cast; no one (to me at least) famous, that is to say, no one that came with any expectations - but all captivating and a joy to behold.
