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Retribution (2015)

September. 21,2015
| Drama Thriller

While Carlos, a banking executive, takes his two kids to school in his car, he gets a phone call telling him that there is a bomb under the seats and he must to gather a large amount of money; otherwise, his car will blow up.


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Another very good thriller film from Spain. Direction, plot, performance of the actors-actresses, are all excellent. It's one of the fortunate examples of the cinematic art treating subjects like revenge, family members' affairs, hunger for success by all means and a very direct "moment of truth" for the protagonist.

Frederick Regenold

An attention grabber and holder that takes place in the Galicia area of Spain, north of Portugal. I think the main actor's portrayal is superior to those of the last two years in the Oscars. He displays a very wide range of emotions sitting in the driver's seat of his car. Never a dull moment.


A bank executive receives an anonymous phone call informing him he has just a few hours to obtain a large amount of money or a bomb under his seat will explode. El desconocido (2015) is a film that will totally surprise you especially with how good of a film it is even if it's not made in America but Spain plus you can totally see that it had a pretty low budget but even with that it still kept me on the edge of my seat it had a pretty simple premise, the action was handled very well and there was a lot of suspense plus the acting was terrific and especially from the great Luis Tosar that keeps getting better and better. For me this movie was amazing it was everything that i wanted it to be and it also surprised me in a lot of levels (A+)


A normal day in the life of an bank executive, he wakes up early, answers phone calls related to his work, takes the children to school and notices that the door of the car was already open, but he does not do anything and gets in the car with their two children and is on his way to take them to school and then go to his work at the bank.Everything goes well until our protagonist (Carlos) receives a call from a cellphone that is not his, he finds it strange but he answers it and on the other side of the line is a stranger who demands a large money transfer to his bank account, if Carlos does not what the unknown person says him will blow up a bomb that's on the inside of the car, and also Carlos will have to make the transfer inside his car because if he gets up of his seat it will activate a bomb inside his seat and will blow up the car as well, leaving him with no possible escape to this problem.Basically this is the premise of the film, a very intense thriller simply breathtaking and with a unpredictable outcome. One of The best movies from 2015, and with an extraordinary performance by Luis Tosar. My Vote is 8I recommend it.Title (Portugal) - "O De$conhecido" ("The Unknown")
