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Beautiful People

Beautiful People (2000)

March. 03,2000
| Drama Comedy War

In London, during October 1993, England is playing Holland in the preliminaries of the World Cup. The Bosnian War is at its height, and refugees from the ex-Yugoslavia are arriving. Football rivals, and political adversaries from the Balkans all precipitate conflict and amusing situations. Meanwhile, the lives of four English families are affected in different ways by encounter with the refugees.


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bob the moo

It is 1993 and England is a changing place. The impending World Cup qualifier with Holland is only going to end badly and immigration is back on the political agenda as refugees arrive from the former Yugoslavia, fleeing the Bosnian War. A group of people move in and around these events and find their lives impacted and ultimately changed by them.With his incite into the story, Dizdar makes a worthy shot at a sort of Short Cuts ensemble piece that weaves several threads together in a way that ironically touches on the Bosnian war and British society. However, for all the credit it deserves for trying, this isn't a very successful attempt for several reasons. The overall sweep of the story works and it is interesting enough to carry it all along but it is in the specific stories where I wasn't feeling it. The major plot devices are always extreme and they prevented the story flowing and being as natural as I wanted it to be. This also limits the ability of the character to impact on me – something not helped by how many characters and threads there were crammed into less than two hours. I wanted it to be better than it was but these problems did knock it down a bit for me.The ensemble cast are nearly all good and no fault can be laid at their feet. At the start the characters are basic but they gradually overcome this and produce solid turns despite the limited character development available to them within the material. To pick one or two out would be difficult but the young football hooligan (forget the actors name) does well, while the sadly passed Coleman is always worth a note.Overall this is an interesting film that aims high but hits a bit lower. The material is engaging and the energy to it almost carries off the excessive and exaggerated plot devices needed to keep it moving. The wide view also limits the impact each character and story has but still just about works. Not brilliant then by any means but a good try from Dizdar and at least it is more interesting and original than the romantic comedies and Lock Stock rip-offs that British cinema was and is churning out.

George Parker

"Beautiful People" spreads it's story of the effect of the Bosnian conflict on Brits and others thinly over a broad and varied cast of characters with the feel of a documentary in spite of considerable implausibility. Mostly shot in the UK sans any Hollywoodesque appointments, this film weaves several very short and loosely interconnected stories into it's sometimes harsh, sometimes humorous fabric. "Beautiful People" - which are scarce in this austere film - leaves little room for audience empathy but is replete with ironies. The film will play best with those who appreciate British cinema.


To me, this is one of the greatest tragedies of 1999. A nice cast and intriguing story have the potential to elevate this to a great piece of work, yet it fails on a couple of fundamental levels. First, _Beautiful People_ is overburdened with cliches: the immigrant who wants to know "the meaning of life," the mortal enemies who have the same shoe size, etc. I found these excessive to the point that they triggered my gag reflex. Second, and more damaging to the film, it is edited extremely poorly. There are simply too many characters and storylines for this director to handle well. By the time a particular storyline comes around again, the audience has completely forgotten it. (Incidentally, this multiple character and storyline trick can be pulled off with great success- Paul Thomas Anderson did a superb job in _Magnolia_). The film does have its high points, in particular the spectacular performance by Charlotte Coleman. Not bad, but that's about all one can say.


Beautiful People offers a slice-of-life type look at the messy lives of people in London who are somehow affected by the war in Bosnia. Their stories are kind of interconnected, but in a natural way, not at all contrived. It was refreshing to see how the film combined gritty, realistic stories (the doctor trying to handle his two young sons in the midst of a separation) with some more surreal comedy (the junkie dropped in the middle of war), however, there was one ending that I found to be too unbelievable and not satisfying, and I won't give details of the ending, but it involves the man who was shot in the leg. The movie could have also done without the scene with the thugs reading to the boy -- it was predictably cheesy. Other than that, it a great film, and delivers a really strong message in the end, which explains the title, Beautiful People.
