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My Cousin Rachel

My Cousin Rachel (2017)

June. 09,2017
| Drama Romance

A young Englishman plots revenge against his mysterious, beautiful cousin, believing that she murdered his guardian. But his feelings become complicated as he finds himself falling under the beguiling spell of her charms.


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Slow moving with a ending that was unexpected.Holliday Grainger was good, but underused in the film.


I was looking forward to Daphne Du Maurier Rachel come to life on the big screen. I am a fan of Rachel Weiz and her work and I thought she was a great choice for the role but though their were some key elemants from the book there was nothing added in its place and the film just left me wanting more and not in a good way.


I'm not sure if I have rated this correctly because I have only watched half of this and I already needed a break. I'll watch the rest later.Rachel Weisz is pretty good, but I still prefer Olivia de Havilland. Olivia didn't seem to have as much emotion and she came across, to me anyway, more of an enigma that Rachel. Comparing the two Phillip's. What can I say? Richard Burton, in my opinion, was pretty much of a overacting scenery chewer. I don't think that is was all that, but many people. Sam Claflin is very non descript. And, really, when is the stubble look going to finally end for men? Either grow it out or shave it. This movie is set in about the 1850's. Stubble was not a fashion then. It was huge sideburns, a moustache or a beard. Usually, it as all three. Whoever directed this, did not get that detail right. The women rock, the men don't.

The Couchpotatoes

I must not have watched the same movie than the reviewers from the first two pages on here. I saw some pretty boring movies in my life but this one is just extremely boring. Don't watch this one if you are a little bit tired because you won't make it until the end. You will guarantee fall asleep. It's not because of the actors or the way of shooting the movie that this movie is so bad. It's just the story, it's boring, and not the greatest actor in the world can make this movie better. I just don't get why they would spend so much money to make a boring movie like this one. I just don't get it. The end was a bit better than 90 percent of the movie but it was just not worth the wait. I so wished I didn't lose my time watching My Cousin Rachel.
