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Everyone's Hero

Everyone's Hero (2006)

September. 15,2006
| Adventure Animation Comedy Family

A boy begins a grand journey to return Babe Ruth's baseball bat before the deciding game of the 1932 World Series comes to a close.


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I should have walked out of the room when I realized the premise was that the 1932 New York Yankees were the hapless victims of a plot by the dastardly owner of the Chicago Cubs. When this movie was being made, Cubs fans were looking back at nearly a century of futility. The decision to go with that plot is the first sign that the creative minds behind this project lack sensible perspective. I am not a Cubs fan, but a much better movie (and message) would be about a Cubs fan trying to help his team in the face of tough odds.The many glaring historical and factual errors in this movie also made it difficult to watch. Even my ten year old daughter noticed that, in one scene, home plate was oriented the wrong way. During a World Series game.I am not going to go into the problems with the plot, the mixed messages given about the challenges children face and how they might overcome them, and bizarre perspective on risk--other reviewers have covered that. I will say that the characters of the parents were presented with less depth than found in the Sunday comics. And for some reason, the worst villains in the movie are redheads.I laughed at some of the visual comedy. My son laughed at the snot jokes.


OK, I know it was a kid's movie, but couldn't they have picked another team to be the villains of the movie? LOL, OK, but other than that I watched Everyone's Hero last night, wasn't too sure what it was about before I watched it, and I checked out the rating on IMDb, 5.4 isn't that good for an animated film that usually gets 6.0 or above. But I can understand why, Everyone's Hero didn't really blow me away or got me excited. I'm not basing this on the fact that I'm a Cubs fan, just the story was alright, it's perfect for a kid's movie, it's just a good clean cut story, but for adults, it doesn't really give anything for them to enjoy it with their kids. But while this movie was probably aimed for the kids, it seemed like the writer was maybe expecting like another Shrek or The Incredables, where the whole family could enjoy it, but it ended up being just a kid's flick.Yankee Irving is a young boy who isn't that good at baseball, but he has big dreams to play as a New York Yankee. It's 1932, his hero is Babe Ruth, and Babe Ruth has a lucky bat, Darlin', but Darlin' is taken by the Cub's pitcher, Lefty, to win the World Series. Yankee's dad is fired from Yankee Stadium, he's the janitor, so it was his job to make sure that everything was secure. Yankee finds a ball that can talk to only him; together they go to look for the bat, they find it, but want to take it to Chicago to give it to Babe Ruth himself. But Yankee has to make sure to keep it away from Lefty and the Cubs manager.Everyone's Hero isn't a bad movie by any means, it's just a kid's movie, I guess I was expecting more. Not to mention the Cubs bashing was hurtful, sorry, I'm from Chicago, if you're a Cubs fan, you can definitely relate on this subject, you must be faithful to them, LOL. OK, back to the movie, the movie is cute and has a charming story, but it wasn't anything that stood out for me. I could understand the 5.4 rating, I'm sorry to the writers and cast, but Everyone's Hero is just a kid's movie, nothing more.5/10


For those adults who enjoy animated films (I still think Bugs Bunny is the best cartoon ever made) this one is a bit slow and ordinary. It lacks excitement and originality from the start. It's almost as if the story was popped out of a can and put in front of a camera. Toward the end it does take off in the last 10 minutes or so but that's it. The rest of it is predictable and mundane. 5/10.However, for the 3 to 10 year old out there this is an excellent animated feature. 10/10.-LD_____________________________________________my faith: http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/jbc33/


My 7 year old daughter loved it. I liked it too. I was really surprised how much my daughter liked it. I never knew Christopher Reeve was making it when he passed away. It appears his wife Dana Reeve continued the project and the movie is dedicated to their legend, This film should only enhance his legacy. There are also some great actors lending their voices to this movie. While not 100% historically correct it can introduce young kids to the legend of Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees. I can't understand how people can knock this animated cartoon when it's intended audience loves it so much. I am giving it a 9 out of 10 because the animation was great and it was good entertainment.
