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Bad Cat

Bad Cat (2016)

February. 05,2016
| Animation Action Comedy

A foul-mouthed cat and its gang cross paths with humans.


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First of all.. we are talking about an animation which is also observable by children. Second thing is this animation psychologically brings bad behavior to young audience, maybe. There is a lot slang and perversion. I see our people getting individualization when they see a Turkish made something. They are giving top score for this movie without thinking. We should compare with other animation like Hollywood/Disney qualified movies as well. Because for age of the audience is also important. Usually in Hollywood/Disney's made, they never go to go out except few several basic words in those animation or movies. You cannot hear slang and perversion so much. But this movie..They should add age restriction to watch this movie.


Animals as we see in the Hollywood movies, presented human-like nowadays. Why isn't there any realistic "animation"? Animals ain't polite or save the world for a week. They mind their own business. Like the Bad Cat minds its own fish and booze. A definite thing about this movie is its diversity. There is an assumption that animals talk, this is animational constant. But their speech differs in this movie. It's fun to see cats swearing and yelling in the city. They're not bound to humans. Especially cats, as they domesticated spontaneously, because of mutual needs with men, shouldn't be presented as dependent toys. They'd always find a way through. This movie is about finding way for fun. Have fun.


on the strength of your review, my friend and i and went went to see this film yesterday afternoon, excited to see a movie which promised so much.... however, after seeing cats and people killed and maimed in the most violent situations including potential rape, all to audience laughter and merriment, we walked out after about twenty minutes and asked for our money back... now i'm not a prude, nor am i adverse to seeing films like Pulp Fiction.. but this movie was just an obscenity as far as the poor street animals here are concerned...over a million of them.. if this truly appeals to Turkish film goers, then we're fighting a losing battle


Everybody knows about the Garfield. The lazy, lasagna loving cat. He would be very sweet cat if you compare him with Kötü Kedi Şerafettin (bad cat şerafettin). He loves drinking rakı (a Turkish alcohol), barbecue, smoking, hitting on other cats on his reign with his famous sentence "do you wanna make up?". He is a caricature character created by Bülent Üstün in 1996.So now you know about this anti-hero cat lets talk about the movie itself. The script is made of adding up the older famous caricature stories and it can be easily said that şero (şerafettin) kept his origins. There are lots of laugh moments through out the movie and sometimes you just cant stop laughing. Bad language is used which was necessary because of the origin. The animation was amazing when you think about this movie is one of the first Turkish animation movie. It is world standard from a crew with not that much experience. Istanbul they created is so amazing, you feel like you are in it and only this reason is enough for watching this movie. Apart from the setting characters kept their origin successfully. You can feel the evilness from just a look of Şero.The only thing that i don't like about this movie is the endless story of the villain itself which repeats so many times that it gets boring in the end.If you are a fan of Şero or animation movies this is a must for you. Even you don't like this genre this movie can make you smile. Production of this movie was 10 years long and in my opinion all that work created a amazing movie.
