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Rommel (2012)

November. 01,2012
| Drama Action History War

The story of the final seven months in the life of German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.


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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Rommel" is a German television film from 4 years ago that stars Ulrich Tukur as the title character. It was written and directed by Niki Stein and sadly, he still did not manage to prove that he is a filmmaker who is good enough to make an impact on the big screen. Or the small screen. I am not really sure what the problem here is. Is it that the character of Rommel is simply not suited for film or is it that they just made a very forgettable movie here. It certainly isn't helping that the film runs for an impressive 2 hours. When I look at another recent German television film ("Stauffenberg"), then I see everything that this film here is missing: interesting characters, strong focus and a story that will at least be interesting to you, maybe even get you on the edge of your seat. "Rommel" has none of these attributes. It is very dry and even if it may be historically accurate than it lacks the heart to really have people interested enough to care about the historic circumstances. It is not Tukur's fault and you cannot really blame the supporting actors either. If one is to blame, then it is Stein here. He had many good actors here to work with, so it is pretty disappointing to see the outcome of this film here in terms of quality. It does not deserve to be called one of Germany's most famous small-screen films from the 21st century. I do not recommend the watch.


Now here is a story that doesn't embellish or does over the top dramatic. The film records the last few months before Rommel was killed by the man who served and the German people. The history includes a lot of small but crucial detail such as he knew and was horrified at the killing of Jews including revenge killing when the S.S. men killed 450 women and children. The film also explores the inner conflict between Hitler, high ranking officers and Rommel. It doesn't portray him as suddenly turning sides but gradually learning of the war crimes, the difficulty with Hitler, working with the German resistances, and eventually suicide. This film was studied and everything carefully studied although the uniforms was sort of wrong at times. Another complain is some of the character seems a little bit heavy weight especially Von Kluge looks a bit too fat, Keitel looks like a skinny man who is like a dirty old man. One thing for sure, the film does portray Rommel as Hitler's right hand general, but soon learns more about crimes committed by the German S.S. and some of the army official. Had he survived, I'm sure he would have been fully against or may defect along with his family. But otherwise, these things you can overlook and ignore because the movie does stand itself as written "as it had happen." The movie seems like a documentary too so treat it as that, not just for entertainment purposes but a general points leading up to his death.


If you are interested in WWII movies and enjoy a very realistic dramatic movie rather than an action movie this is the one for you. Great acting by German actors, realistic plots and much detail spend on uniforms, armor and real live settings in WWII. The Geman language enhances the reality of the movie. Ulrich Tukur plays Rommel with great resemblance and talent.The movie reveals the man Rommel and his aversion of Hitle in the afterdaysr and the Plot to kill Hitler (you must remember Valkyrie: with Tom Cruise). Though casted very well, it is hard to identify yourself with the main character. The actors each are casted very well, with actors who play the German Generals and officers with great resemblance. Hope you enjoy the movie!


admirable ambition to present Rommel's last months. and, in same time, to create an answer to Walkiria. only problem is the result, the film itself. it is half documentary, half artistic movie. it seems be a kind of labyrinth and this fact is almost strange. maybe, the sin is viewer expectation. and the pieces from another movies about events. but the great effort, the too realistic scenes, the portrait - obvious pledge for a hero - are too much and, in same time, too little. sure, it is a honest film. the good intentions of director are basic virtue and it is difficult to ignore that. the preoccupations for details gives not the expected result. but, must see the glass half full - it is a German attempt to present a great man. and, after all, each portrait is subjective.
