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The Sky Crawlers

The Sky Crawlers (2008)

August. 02,2008
| Adventure Animation Action Science Fiction

Youngsters called Kildren, who are destined to live eternally in their adolescence. The Kildren are conscious that every day could be the last, because they fight a war as entertainment, organized and operated by adults. But as they embrace the reality they are faced with, they live their day-to-day lives to the full.


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SmallFox 1

*Spoilers* *Spoilers*The first half of the movie consists of characters that are so empty and dull. I don't even care to remember what their names are. They are that bad. The biggest problem with main character is that he looks so uninterested and boring. And if he's uninterested and not invested, then why should I care about him? He's a cardboard cutout of Sasuke Uchiha.And no, the first 30 minutes or so aren't just "slow" like some of the other comments have said because absolutely nothing happens! I'm not kidding, it's just pretty establishing shots and other characters who mean nothing in the slightest, oh yeah they kinda help out to what's going on in the plot but, they never leave an impact. Even the so called " comic relief" just smiles and picks up bitches. That's it.And yes, the ending is horrible too. It's a huge exposition dump that should have been fleshed out throughout the story but nope, the movie just dicks around and when the movie finally let's on to what's going on regarding the war, the movie is almost over. Oh, the real kicker is that the main character doesn't just die, he dies from a master pilot who is really his father, who we've never seen or heard from in the story. We never even see them talk to each other let alone his dads face. And the character dies without their ever being any resolve, no heroic death and no sacrifice. So to sum up, this movies' a huge tease. It had potential but, I feel like the creators had a "make them want it" kind of idea but, the movie just kept on holding back and making so many bad decisions that the finished product just fades into obscurity. And rightfully so.

Lars Gottlieb

Take a couple planes and combat scenes from Crimson Skies, mix them up with the most empty, uninteresting, bland scenes ever, and the most void, stagnant story possible, and this is the whole movie. For example: At one time our main character is driving somewhere, and the movie renders every single second of the drive, we watch him park, turn the key, use the door handle, open the door, get out of the car, close the door .. All rendered painstakingly slow. If you haven't fallen asleep during this unnecessary waste of time, you're rewarded with watching him take every single step toward the building he was driving to... The combat scenes made me want to go back and play the game, but for this movie to claim to be any kind of good is preposterous. If this is art, it's the art of the void.


I just watched this movie and it upset me after the first 30 minutes. I'm not a huge fan of Mamoru Oshii but I loved the job he did on Ghost In The Shell 1 and 2 as well as Patlabor 2 (in a lesser way). I think I understood the movie pretty well, and I agree with most of the arguments of the reviews praising the movie, except that for me the plot is just inadequate for an animated movie. It's far too slow, the characters are quiet, boring, plus the character design looks so poor compared to the CGI, it's just not fitting at all. There is a lot of static shots, with pretty much nothing to think about. Okay, they give you some of the reasons why it was so slow all the way long, nearly at the end, but my point is that it's too late! It's not like I jumped off my seat, I was actually quite disappointed, so long for this! And what do I care? It's not like after 2 hours I really got attached to any of the characters... It just barely saves the movie.I understand it could work very well for the graphic novel (wouldn't get this issue with the different styles, plus you can read it at your own rhythm, and go back for another reading after the big revelation at the end), but here I just got the proof from Oshii himself that one cannot adapt everything to animated movies or movies. Sometimes it's just impossible. A movie HAS to entertain, and not only for the last 5 minutes.


If your one of those people who had rather think than speak, then this movie will probably be memorable and an instant top favorite within your archive of loved anime. This is a drama, it's plot is one that forces the audience to place themselves in the fantasy to better understand it. It's not just a bunch of pretty pictures but has in itself a meaning; perhaps it's meaning is meaningless in the real world, it is, however, a movie that has a story to tell. In the end that's what it's all about is the story. Remember it or forget it, it's not your choice it all depends on whether it's a story worth telling... if it is, it's most likely worth remembering. This is one of those. --->I think it is anyway<--- :)
