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The Perfume of Yvonne

The Perfume of Yvonne (1994)

April. 04,1994
| Drama Romance

It is the summer of 1958 in wealthy Lake Geneva, where an enigmatic young Frenchman begins an affair with a beautiful starlet under the watchful eye of her flamboyant elderly mentor. But in a season full of secrets, is truth the most elusive passion of all?


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A bad film also merits proper attention as it can help critics and viewers to ascertain what went wrong during the making of a particular film.This is also true for French film "Le Parfum d'Yvonne" which remains one of those horribly bad films which deserves to be seen as it has been directed by a famous director.For this film Patrice Leconte loses artistic control on many occasions as he leaves a lot of questions unanswered.The entire film is nicely shot and depiction of fun loving idlers is authentic yet this film fails to captivate audiences.This is the reason why most of the viewers will have a hard time figuring out what this film was trying to convey.It appears that viewers might complain that very less background information has been provided to enable them to comprehend what the film was all about. Despite its inherent shortcomings "Le Parfum d'Yvonne" is a film whose established actors Hipployte Girardot and Jean Pierre Marielle have done immense justice to their roles.However,it is really a pity that nothing much is known about Dutch actress Sandra Majani who shines throughout the film.Her sensual performance is extraordinary as it helps this film to be enjoyed only for its visual erotic undercurrents.


If I would have the choice to take only one movie with me on the famous lonely island I would take this one. The director Leconte succeed to show what's really about in a relationship between a man and a woman. And that 's very difficult to show, very difficult.And the beautiful actors, scene, Music ( Bach, Aznavour etc.)To my mind it's not necessary to know from where the acting people are coming, and to be honest, after watching this movie more than twenty times for example I still don't know in which things Dr. Rene Meinthe is involved. The film shows the morbidity and noblesse in those times simply wonderful.It's a little bit different from the novel but that doesn't matter. So enjoy. And of course it's a french one. Or does anyone of you really believe that you can make an erotic or at least a love scene between Britt Pit and Angela Dohle, that would look alike a frog is kissing an Allien. But that'a different thing.


Patrice Leconte is one of my favorite director. Although this film is not one of his best, it's still worth watching. It's burning with sensuality. Great characters: from the eccentric doctor René to the Marmaduke look-a-like dog. Good performances by Marielle, Girardot and Majani. Too bad it's her only film. This movie tells the story about two persons in love. But love, as every true movie fan will know, is not always the easiest thing. Verdict: not the best Leconte, but a very enjoyable way to spend 89 minutes.Seen at home, in Toronto, on September 20th, 2005.76/100 (**½)


Adaptation of a novel by Patrick Modiano, "le parfum d'Yvonne" represents another Patrice Leconte's success. To make this film, the director drew from several elements dating from his previous movies. Thus, the doctor Meinthe (excellent Jean-Pierre Marielle) is very close to Michel Mortez in "Tandem" (1987) while Yvonne's sensual beauty evokes Mathilde's in "the hairdresser's wife" (1990). So, Leconte turned a novel into a personal movie.This movie tells a past love story that brings on a deep nostalgia due to gorgeous summer pictures enhanced by a luminous photography. It's almost a poetic and dreamlike work. And however, this happiness is too good to be true. Indeed, behind this idle and free life, hide zones of shadows. Victor Chmara claims to Yvonne that he is a wealthy Russian earl but he's nothing of the sort. He's just a young man who fled Paris so as to avoid his military enlistment (we are in 1958 and at this time, it is the Algerian war). Moreover, he wants to go to the USA but Yvonne refuses because Victor can't speak English. So, she leaves him and there's this famous sentence that says: love stories, in general don't have a happy ending. It is true.Leconte built his movie on a long flashback and he alternates the story with two of the main characters' current situation. From this moment, we can take down a strong contrast between the shiny pictures of a celebrated and distant summer and the dark photography to connote a dull present that shows the main characters' distress and bitterness (especially the doctor Meinthe).A beautiful and bitter movie. If you are a fan of Patrice Leconte, don't miss this one.
