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Deliver Us from Evil

Deliver Us from Evil (2006)

June. 24,2006
| Crime Documentary

Documentary filmmaker Amy Berg investigates the life of 30-year pedophile Father Oliver O'Grady and exposes the corruption inside the Catholic Church that allowed him to abuse countless children. Victims' stories and a disturbing interview with O'Grady offer a view into the troubled mind of the spiritual leader who moved from parish to parish gaining trust ... all the while betraying so many.


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Extraordinarily disturbing and affecting examination of the case of a Catholic priest who sexually abused numerous children, and the fact the Church knew, and did nothing about it. The film expands to examine the larger issue of the Church's constantly covering-up abuse by priests on a huge scale. Masterfully directed, this hits home emotionally, as victims and their parents tell their stories, while at the same time we get to know the perpetrator – who is clearly disconnected from reality and mentally ill (he does not deny the abuse, but seems to grossly misunderstand its seriousness), making those above him who covered his activities seem in many ways more culpable and hateful than this clearly disturbed individual - not that he gets off lightly. At the same time, it's not a purely emotional exercise, with some fascinating experts, especially one priest who is an expert in Church history and law examining how and why things have devolved to this awful state of affairs, where the Church seems to be consciously putting its own image ahead of the safety of children. Not an easy film to watch, but a deeply powerful, angering and upsetting one.


It's a shocking insight into a world already known to be as disgusting and duplicitous as is laid bare in this documentary.Father O'Grady seems to fluctuate between the repentant child molester honestly searching for truth and forgiveness, and a subtle and controlling egotist who needs to be central to every facet of the emotional devastation in his wake.Although it may be impossible to come to this documentary as a 'neutral' observer it does feel forced along in some areas. The tone of the film is more interested in exposing the pain and disgusting acts than as a window into another world. An obvious attempt to appeal to the base emotions, and would have preferred more of a focus on the hypocrisy of child molestation within a Christian World view. However, where the film succeeds with tremendous impact is the complete access to the victim's struggle to find understanding, and the perpetrator's car crash he calls his life.


What a horrendous scandal, this is the very reason everyone needs to question their beliefs in ANY religion. When the power of those supposedly put on some sort of pedestal to assist and guide become evil filthy despots and abuse the power they think they have.I can understand the priest (to a point - he was obviously sick in the head) involved, he obviously needed some help be it castration or hanging.What revolts me most about all of this is the complicity that his elders had in covering up his abuse of children.These peers of the priest should have been peeled alive, given a bit of their own medicine like they did during the Inquisition.The really sad thing is, more and more and more of these cases of pedophilia and subsequent cover up keep emerging. When will people wake up to this disgusting sham. This is not religion, this is a power trip. Well done to the documentary makers for showing this.It just goes to show what happens when you stick a rotten apple in a barrel of apples long enough.Disgusting!


As a former Catholic who has since become a staunch atheist, I watched Amy Berg's chilling documentary, 'Deliver Us From Evil' with simmering anger and rage--not just at the hideous corruption of a cynical Church hierarchy but at the smugness and utter lack of remorse exhibited by the former "Father" Oliver O'Grady, a true and very dangerous psychopath. And to think that his heinous crimes have been repeated by hundreds of his depraved brethren of the cloth over many decades--and similarly covered up with the usual catastrophic results. If 'Deliver Us From Evil' doesn't put you off from Catholicism and organized religion in general, nothing will.
