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My Bloody Valentine

My Bloody Valentine (1981)

February. 11,1981
| Horror Thriller Mystery

Twenty years after a Valentine's Day tragedy claimed the lives of five miners, Harry Warden returns for a vengeful massacre among teen sweethearts gearing up for another party.


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Twenty years after a mining disaster in the small town of Valentine's Bluff a psychotic, unknown miner embarks on a killing spree. For some time now I watch holiday related horror movies when the relevant time of year comes around, and this is not only the best Valentines movie but I would say one of the best slasher movies ever. Made in Canada during the sub genre's Golden Age this has a great storyline, is well acted with characters that we can actually get into, it's creepy & suspenseful and throws in plenty of gory, imaginative deaths at a good, even pace. It also comes with a good soundtrack and makes fabulous use of the real Nova Scotia mine in which it was shot. Perhaps the only thing lacking is some female nudity, though there is plenty of sex talk & making out. Sadly it was heavily cut by the MPAA back in 1981 and here in the UK we are still waiting for an uncut release. It is possible, however, to see the cut gore on You Tube. A great film, one of my favourite stalk & slash movies which just oozes with a 1980's feel. Essential viewing. NB the remake is pretty good too!


The original "My Bloody Valentine" is a tedious and utterly unexceptional slasher flick. The only thing that could be said to set it apart is the violence, which is quite a bit more graphic than the average '80s slasher. The "kills" are easy to miss, though, and I had to rewind a couple of times because the movie's tedium and inability to highlight the only aspect of it that made it stand out led me to stop paying attention in key scenes. In one scene, a man cops a pick-axe through the throat, the point of which exits through his eye socket. In another scene, a man falls from a ladder and is decapitated by a chain or something. I watched this twice and still didn't really get it.The only people involved in the movie who knew what they were doing were the special effects guy and maybe the guy who played the guy who got the pick axe through the neck and eyeball. The director was totally out of his depth.

Dom Nickson

Spoiler Alert!!! The Version I had didn't have any gore which took away my happiness of getting the film but even when I saw the gore on Youtube I was not impressed with the crappy looking gore. There was only one kill I found interesting and that was when the guy got it through the eye ball. The characters were unlikable! The script didn't make any sense at the very end. The movie was a complete drag! And I didn't care if any of them died. In my opinion I liked the remake a little bit better because it has a very interesting twist unlike this movie, you know what happened when Harry Warden was alive, and you got all the gore you could ever want. I just didn't like the 3-d because it really is an eyesore when you have to look into glasses to see. Overall I give it a 1 out of 10 for that brutal kill through the eyeball.


I have seen few times now but I seen the remake more, this is one of few times I actually liked the remake better, Yes, the remake was my first 3D movie.This wasn't bad at all, it dose seem to be a little outdated then others movies form the same time. I thought the movie was really well paced, it was not boring at and the movie didn't drag, there were decent moment of death and they not to far apart. The deaths i didn't seem to find gory but I think most of death were the same and some were off screen.I kind of knew who the killer was in this movie, to many clues and I found it really silly, why is was the killer, it's didn't really make sense, The acting was decent for slasher movie 6 out of 10
