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Siren (2011)

March. 22,2011
| Horror

A group of friends escaping the city for a weekend away have a simple plan, to tour the coast for a relaxing weekend. Things hit a snag when one of the friends spots a seductive, sultry young woman waving for help off the shore of one of many secluded islands along the coast. Reaching out to rescue her turns deadly and they risk everything to get off the island alive.


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P2, the other horror movie from director Andrew Hull had something to deliver but here everything goes wrong. I have seen some reviews who adore this flick but for a horror buff there is nothing to see. The sleeve of the DVD shows us a buxom beauty full of blood with a big knife. Well, I've seen the whole show unrated and uncut but I guess I must have fallen asleep because I never saw that part. But again, I should have known better, if you put "for the fans of Hatchet, Wrong Turn or Hostel" on your sleeve then you should know that that's wrong. So what's wrong with it, well, the storyline itself is okay but it doesn't deliver. It's well known that ships went down due the chants of sirens, and that's what this story is about. But the so-called lesbian affair between the buxom beauty and the siren is let-down. They go swimming full monty but it's shown from the back. Come on, if you do nudity in your flick then show us some frontal shots. And there are a few more of those scene's. When the siren undresses, well you only see her head. It's all more about imagination then about a slasher. There is no slashing in it. Just a killing or two and that's all. It's never bloody and when it does it's so stupid and unbelievable. Luckily the acting does deliver and especially Anna Skellern (Rachel) did a nice job and I guess people who have seen her in The Descent 2 as Cath will be happy to see her in her bikini. Good acting, bad flick. So a 2 for the juggs of Anna, sadly that will be all because nothing really happens, it's more about a love story than a horror. Come on Andrew, I give an extra point in my vote for you, you can do better.


(Potentially a very slight spoiler in the second paragraph) The cinematography isn't bad at all, the acting isn't horrible, but the plot is thin to say the least, with little to no back story or conclusion of any kind. Most scenes have no explanation or apparently meaning to them at all, or reason for them being in the movie whatsoever. There's nothing about this film which grabs your attention, there's no suspense, no intrigue, and by the end of it you're left caring very little about anything that happened over the course of it.All in all, Siren seems to be an excuse to put out a half thought through vague nod to the Sirens myth just so that they can be 'original' by including a couple of female same-sex seduction scenes.Best avoided.


Didn't really know what I was getting when I got the DVD but felt adventurous and certainly didn't regret it.This film is the vision of late Andrew Hull, on how to translate an old myth into our modern age where the cult of the perfect body leads to temptations and treacheries. It explores the laws of attraction, the Femme Fatale idea in a way that seems to me inspired by the French New Wave.More down to earth, it's a bunch of young people marooned on a seemingly desert island, there's lots of blood, 4 little known actors but with great potential.The film is beautifully lit i thought by Will Humphries who's been working in the camera department for US block busters i think and i recommend it if you feel like seeing an unusual, independent and original horror.


Samuel L. Jackson once said in the film Changing Lanes to Ben Affleck...."I Want My Time Back!!" That's how I feel after watching this mess of a horrid film. Siren is a "horror" film in which three friends take a boat trip to get away from the city. They spot a man on an island and rescue him, he soon dies on their boat. The motor on their boat has been fried and they decide to stay on the island over night. While on the island they run into a woman, who seems frightened, disoriented and can't seemed to remember things. She is beautiful and her beauty grabs the attention of the three characters, even the female. She turns out to be a siren, of Greek mythology. A beautiful woman who would lure men to the island through song. Death was brought upon them.Argh, this film has an interesting cover design. A woman holding a knife in a bikini. There were two other women on each side of her, also in bikinis. The back cover of the DVD has yet another woman in a bikini. The tagline read an exotic tale of lust and revenge. Sex and horror, two great elements that go together. With a little bit a Greek mythology sprinkled in, I expected this film to be at the very least tolerable. Boy, was I ever wrong. First, if the poster excites you, don't. This is a classic case of never judge a book by it's cover. Siren will try to lure you in with the promise of sex, blood and horror. The film never has a moment of these things. The film starts off with two characters pretending to be strangers, to spice up their relationship apparently. It fails because the woman has visions of some blonde person, whom we later find out to be the siren. They have sex, successfully on the boat, never exciting during the scene though. The siren has many scenes where she kisses the woman, I have no idea why. Maybe it was a cheap attempt at luring in young boys? The back of the cover on the DVD is also wrong with the description of the film. It says they spot a seductive sultry woman on an island, this is incorrect. They spot some bearded man ramblings on in gibberish. It isn't till they bury him on the island do they see the woman, whom is neither seductive or sultry. We are treated to a bunch of scenes where the characters see things that aren't really there. The question of what is real and what isn't is raised, but you'll never be interested enough to care.I'm expected to believe that the one character was in love with the other, except that he's upset about a 'hot friend' not making the trip. He also tries to have a three way with this new woman, just more fuel to the aggravating fire. Please, even a fifth grader can come up with better characterization than that. The third character, Marco, was pointless. Just another person to fill up the 80 minutes running time. He likes the woman that is dating the guy, but it never leads anywhere. How do people die? The siren sings and they bleed from their ears. That is it. Excitement level is at an all time low here. Don't even get me started on the obvious and completely inane ending. This is not a horror film, I would call it suspense if anything...it even fails at that though.
