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Bear (2010)

June. 04,2010
| Horror Action Thriller

Two young couples are driving through a remote forest when their car breaks down. When a run-in with a curious grizzly bear ends up with the bear being shot to death, the bear's mate arrives on the scene and vengefully attacks their van. The couples are trapped inside the disabled car and must come up with clever ways to survive. As they battle the surprisingly intelligent creature, and contemplate their uncertain fate, secrets begin to emerge that threaten to tear the group apart before the bear does.


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This will be a very simple and easy review. This is a "why did you make this" moment. Terribly acted, horrible script, editing was horrendous, honorable mention to the BEAR. A dumb as nails plot 2 couples taking a road trip become stranded in a minivan when a Grizzly shows up. One man shoots, empties his clip into bear killing it. The bear's mate right behind it seeks vengeance. Why? Bears are smart and predatory creatures. These supposed intelligent humans seek refuge YEP in the van. COME on, Stupid. 1 out of 10

Claudio Carvalho

In California, Nick (Brendan Michael Coughlin) decides to take a shortcut while driving his van to a steakhouse to celebrate his parents' anniversary with his girlfriend Christine (Katie Lowes), his estranged brother Sam (Patrick Scott Lewis) and his wife Liz (Mary Alexandra Stiefvater). Nick has a flat tire and a grizzly bear threatens the group but Sam discharges his pistol against it. When they are ready to go, the bear's mate attacks them capsizing their van. Along the night, they are trapped in the van and secrets are disclosed while they are attacked by the vengeful animal. "Bear" is an awful movie with unpleasant characters and a stupid story. My first intention was to use the adjective unbearable, but then I noted that many reviews have already used it so I changed to awful. The most impressive is how a producer invests his money in such laughable story. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "Perseguidos" ("Pursued")


Firstly, I'm not giving this a rating on account of my early attempts to watch it, I don't remember what happened exactly; for some reason or another I couldn't concentrate much, eventually finding out what happens before giving it a "normal" viewing, therefore I knew what happened already and can't say whether the suspense aspects worked or not.Anyway, four people who really aren't terribly charismatic cruise down a road until the driver takes whats apparently a shortcut, but isn't, because their car breaks down.The driver's brother proves himself an obnoxious type when a bear attacks, and he fires every bullet he has into the critter, killing it but leaving himself out of ammunition. Maybe he thought the others carried guns, perhaps he thought more bears couldn't possibly be where he already encountered one.Before long the others display annoying traits. However, there are some minor occurrences, for example one girl opening a present intended as an anniversary gift the boys intended for their parents, when she gets cold (it contained a blanket) which surprises the other girl.More occurrences where characters apparently notice stuff about each other happen. This subtlety is appreciated, although the characters themselves aren't too likable. It certainly tries for suspense and character focus. The result might depend on how much the viewer can invest emotionally in the characters.


Two young couples are driving through a remote forest when their car breaks down. When a run-in with a curious grizzly bear ends up with the bear being shot to death, the bear's mate arrives on the scene and vengefully attacks their van.This film is a steaming pile of horse apples. Other than the bear (and perhaps by extension, the bear trainer) there is no one deserving praise here. Not the actors, not the writer and not the director. We are given a van full of stupid young adults who do everything possible to endanger their own lives.We are treated to a story about how the Native Americans thought of the bear... wow, this was so bad it was not even corny. It was just poorly thrown in there without purpose, and the more the motif was extended, the more the film suffered. Give us a film where a bear tracks people down and kills them, not some pseudo-supernatural hogwash.As if the film could not get any worse, they throw in some bizarre family drama. One brother is in trouble with the FCC? Do they mean the SEC? There are drug issues, there is infidelity... I think they found anything they could to throw into the mix.On the plus side, no CGI was used. For that, the film gets an extra star. But it is still a pile of festering dog snot and should be avoided at all costs. If you want to see a creature feature with a bear attack, watch any film in that genre except this one.
